
The Oxide database extensions implement a generalized database abstraction layer for both MySQL and SQLite.

Open a connection

Create a new connection to a database by providing the database file location or an address (URI and port), a database name, and authentication credentials.

Core.MySql.Libraries.MySql sqlLibrary = Interface.Oxide.GetLibrary<Core.MySql.Libraries.MySql>();
Connection sqlConnection = sqlLibrary.OpenDb("localhost", 3306, "umod", "username", "password", this);

Close the connection

Close an existing connection to the database.


Query the database

Retrieve data from the database, typically using a SELECT statement.

string sqlQuery = "SELECT `id`, `field1`, `field2` FROM example_table";
Sql selectCommand = Oxide.Core.Database.Sql.Builder.Append(sqlQuery);

sqlLibrary.Query(selectCommand, sqlConnection, list =>
    if (list == null)
        return; // Empty result or no records found

    StringBuilder newString = new StringBuilder();
    newString.AppendLine(" id\tfield1\tfield2");

    // Iterate through resulting records
    foreach (Dictionary<string, object> entry in list)
        newString.AppendFormat(" {0}\t{1}\t{2}\n", entry["id"], entry["field1"], entry["field2"]);


Insert query

Insert records into the database using an INSERT statement.

string sqlQuery = "INSERT INTO example_table (`field1`, `field2`) VALUES (@0, @1);";
Sql insertCommand = Oxide.Core.Database.Sql.Builder.Append(sqlQuery, "field1 value", "field2 value");

sqlLibrary.Insert(insertCommand, sqlConnection, rowsAffected =>
    if (rowsAffected > 0)
        Puts("New record inserted with ID: {0}", sqlConnection.LastInsertRowId);

Update query

Update existing records in the database using an UPDATE statement.

int exampleId = 2;
string sqlQuery = "UPDATE example_table SET `field1` = @0, `field2` = @1  WHERE `id` = @2;";
Sql updateCommand = Oxide.Core.Database.Sql.Builder.Append(sqlQuery, "field1 value", "field2 value", exampleId);

sqlLibrary.Update(updateCommand, sqlConnection, rowsAffected =>
    if (rowsAffected > 0)
        Puts("Record successfully updated!");

Delete query

Delete existing records from a database using a DELETE statement.

int exampleId = 2;
string sqlQuery = "DELETE FROM example_table WHERE `id` = @0;";
Sql deleteCommand = Oxide.Core.Database.Sql.Builder.Append(sqlQuery, exampleId);

sqlLibrary.Delete(deleteCommand, sqlConnection, rowsAffected =>
    if (rowsAffected > 0)
        Puts("Record successfully deleted!");


By definition a non-query is a query which modifies data and does not retrieve data. Insert, Update, and Delete queries are all considered non-queries.

int exampleId = 2;
string sqlQuery = "UPDATE example_table SET `field1` = @0, `field2` = @1  WHERE `id` = @3;";
Sql sqlCommand = Oxide.Core.Database.Sql.Builder.Append(sqlQuery, "field1 value", "field2 value", exampleId);

sqlLibrary.ExecuteNonQuery(sqlCommand, sqlConnection);