
Since many users can not or do not want to edit the plugin directly to change settings or options, it is best to offer them a configuration file that can easily be edited without worrying about messing up the plugin or it resetting each time the plugin is updated.

Simple configuration


There are many methods to create a configuration file. The examples below outline the simplest possible usage.

protected override void LoadDefaultConfig()
    LogWarning("Creating a new configuration file");
    Config["ShowJoinMessage"] = true;
    Config["ShowLeaveMessage"] = true;
    Config["JoinMessage"] = "Welcome to this server";
    Config["LeaveMessage"] = "Goodbye";


Modify and save configuration entries by simply assigning the new values and calling the save function.

private void TestCommand(IPlayer player, string command, string[] args)
    Config["ShowJoinMessage"] = !(bool)Config["ShowJoinMessage"];

Advanced configuration

For large plugins with more elaborate configurations, it may be helpful to scaffold a formal configuration class.

private class PluginConfig
    public bool ShowJoinMessage;
    public bool ShowLeaveMessage;
    public string JoinMessage;
    public string LeaveMessage;


Write the configuration object directly to a file using this simple one-liner.

private void SaveConfig()
    Config.WriteObject(config, true);


Load the configuration object directly from a file.

private PluginConfig config;

private void Init()
    config = Config.ReadObject<PluginConfig>();

protected override void LoadDefaultConfig()
    Config.WriteObject(GetDefaultConfig(), true);

private PluginConfig GetDefaultConfig()
    return new PluginConfig
        ShowJoinMessage = true,
        ShowLeaveMessage = true,
        JoinMessage = "Welcome to this server",
        LeaveMessage = "Goodbye"