Private Messages allows players to send private messages to other players.
-- Allows player to send/receive private messages (if enabled in config)
Chat Commands
/pm <name> <message>
-- Send a private message to player/r <message>
-- Reply to your most recent private message/pmhistory <name>
-- Show the previous 5 messages of PM with that player
"EnableLogging": true,
"EnableHistory": false,
"UseCooldown": false,
"CooldownTime": 3,
"UseIgnore": false,
"UseUFilter": false,
"UsePermission": false,
"UseBetterChatMute": false,
"PmCommand": "pm"
"PMTo": "[#00FFFF]PM to {0}[/#]: {1}",
"PMFrom": "[#00FFFF]PM from {0}[/#]: {1}",
"PlayerNotOnline": "{0} is not online.",
"NotOnlineAnymore": "The last person you was talking to is not online anymore.",
"NotMessaged": "You haven't messaged anyone or they haven't messaged you.",
"IgnoreYou": "[#FF0000]{0} is ignoring you and cant recieve your PMs[/#]",
"SelfPM": "You can not send messages to yourself.",
"SyntaxR": "Incorrect Syntax use: /r <msg>",
"HistorySyntax": "Incorrect Syntax use: /pmhistory <name>" ,
"SyntaxPM": "Incorrect Syntax use: /{0} <name> <msg>",
"NotAllowedToChat": "You are not allowed to chat here",
"History": "Your History:\n{0}" ,
"CooldownMessage": "You will be able to send a private message in {0} seconds" ,
"NoHistory": "There is not any saved pm history with this player." ,
"CannotFindUser": "Cannot find this user" ,
"CommandDisabled": "This command has been disabled",
"IsMuted": "You are currently muted & cannot send private messages",
"TargetMuted": "This person is muted & cannot receive your private message",
"NoPermission": "You don't have the correct permissions to run this command",
"HistoryPM": "[#00FFFF]{0}[/#]: {1}",
"Logging": "[PM]{0}->{1}:{2}"
For Developers
object OnPMProcessed(IPlayer sender, IPlayer target, string message) // Called before a PM/Reply is sent
//Returning a non-null value overrides default behavior
API Methods
//Adds to the history of who PM'ed who.
void AddPmHistory(string initiatorId, string targetId)
//Adds to the users PM history & adds to logging.
void AddHistoryAndLogging(IPlayer initiator, IPlayer target, string message)
- PaiN, for the original version of his PrivateMessages plugin
- Nogrod, for the original version of his PrivateMessage plugin