Allows players with permission to fly the Patrol Helicopter

Supported Games


REQUIRED : Player needs to be able to use Admin being a admin, or my FauxAdmin plugin.

(FauxClip does not work)


Player has to be Admin with permissions, or player that can noclip via plugin like Fauxclip and have permissions.

Allows Player to Simulate Flying the patrol helicopter. Player can toggle the Player Helicopter, which will follow player really closely while they are Noclipping. Player can then shoot the helicopters guns, rockets and use spotlight at night.

Custom cockpit overlay and crosshairs can be disabled via config file.Or by console commands /hidecockpit or /showcockpit

A custom status bar with Rockets / Napalm left and current Helicopter health will also show up when flying.

Once player helicopter is enabled, they can fly around and use helicopters weapons with Mouse buttons. left, right and middle and reload. Spot light will automatically come on at night and point where player is looking.

If helicopters health drops below 30%, player will then see a "broken glass" overlay is the cockpit overlay is enabled, showing they are almost dead.

If player toggles noclip off, helicopter will fall to earth and player will then get a parachute if enabled.

If helicopter dies, player will detach from helicopter, and if enabled, parachute down to earth. Helicopter will fall and explode and spawn crates if enabled.

Chute plugin OPTIONAL : to allow players to parachute out of helicopter when they blow up or when player toggles Noclip off (which blows heli up too). If plugin not installed, you will get a warning message in server console about it. Does not effect helicopter portion.

Vanish Plugin OPTIONAL : Use this to hide your player body while flying Helicopter. Built in UseAutoVanish feature is available to set to TRUE, if plugin sees the Vanish plugin installed. Default is False.

Video Overview

Alt text


  • heliride.allowed - Allows group/player to toggle and use the heliride features

Chat Commands

  • /flyheli - Allows authorized player to turn on/off the player helicopter.

Console Commands

  • flyheli - Allows authorized player to turn on/off the player helicopter.
  • hidecockpit - Hides the helicopters cockpit overlay while flying. Bind a key for quick toggling.
  • showcockpit - Shows the helicopters cockpit overlay while flying after it was hidden. Bind a key for quick toggling.

Helicopter Controls

  • DUCK KEY This will move player helicopter in a straight down motion as if to "land"
  • RELOAD KEY - This will reload Rockets and Napalm within the time specified in config.

Weapon Toggle:

  • Mouse Button Left - Guns
  • Mouse Button Right - normal Rockets
  • Mouse Middle Button (press down) - napalm Rockets


  "BulletDamage": 50.0,
  "Heli Napam prefab : ": "assets/prefabs/npc/patrol helicopter/rocket_heli_napalm.prefab",
  "Heli Rocket prefab : ": "assets/prefabs/npc/patrol helicopter/rocket_heli.prefab",
  "Max Napalm Loaded": 36.0,
  "Max Rockets Loaded": 36.0,
  "RocketDelay": 0.2,
  "RocketNapalmReloadTime": 20.0,
  "ShowCockpitOverlay": true,
  "ShowCrosshair": true,
  "SpawnCrates": false,
  "UseAutoVanish": false,
  "UseParachutes": true


  "notallowed": "You are not allowed to access that command.",
  "notflying": "You must be noclipping to activate Helicopter.",
  "noheli": "You are not flying a helicopter."
This plugin is unlicensed and the original author reserves all rights to it.

The original author may request that this plugin be removed and there is a risk that the plugin may be unavailable in the future.

Note that the current maintainer may not have permission to assign a license to the plugin if they are not the original author, so explicit permission would need to be obtained from the original author in order for the plugin to remain openly available and guarantee that it will be around for all to enjoy going forward.