Ability to add spawning the vehicles with NPCs

Hello! So I am trying to setup a Custom NPC with TalkingNPCs. Now, I also want to use this plugin to spawn vehicles that players buy at a preconfigured location. Now, with this plugin, I like that it registers the vehcile to the player automatically, but it will not be able to spawn through the NPC due to the user LOS is looking at the NPC and not through the NPC. What I am looking for is a command that can be ran to spawn the vehicle for the player from the view of an NPC.

vl.spawn <vehicle type> <NPC ID> <player name or id> ​


@snaplatack What in the world are you talking about?  I think you better break that down in layman's terms so @ViolationHandler will know what you want?  I won't speak on his behalf, but I will let you know that this plugin doesn't involve NPCs or any plugin that controls NPCs. I can help you with a list of NPC plugins if you would like? 

This plugin works with and is used by ...

I know. I have already talked to him and he wasnt going to add it. I just wanted the plugin to be let an NPC spawn the players vehicle for them so that Custom Vendors would work. The issue I was having with vendors was that I had to look past the vendor to have it spawn the vehicle which isnt possible unless an NPC spawns it for the player. @TheBear

Ah, ok. 👍