Held Item Disappears on Vanish

I know this is a very minor issue and more of just a slight annoyance, but when you are holding a weapon, tool, etc. and enter Vanish mode, the item you are holding disappears/disarms from your hands and needs to be re-selected. 

It is just kinda inconvenient when you are using a flashlight at night and have to re-arm to get it back, stuff like that. Was just curious if this was something that could be addressed? Or is it the way it is?

So, is that a no?

change in .cs player.GetHeldEntity()?.SetHeld(false);


change in .cs player.GetHeldEntity()?.SetHeld(false);

change it to what? true?

fmZEj0Z6juqpbv9.png dustyhansen

change it to what? true?

Yes, change it to True and your Held Item no longer 'vanishes' from your hands.