Unless admins set godmode to true, when they log back in with vanish disabled, the following happens:
It looks like Vanish and AdminAntiHackFix are both calling the same hook (OnPlayerViolation) and it's creating a conflict. Does this mean that AdminAntiHackFix is no longer required?Flint Monkey[**********************] has spawned
Hook conflict while calling 'OnPlayerViolation[1356028081]': AdminAntiHackFix 1.0.0 [False] and Vanish 1.8.7 [True]
Flint Monkey[**********************] was killed by Suicide at (753.89, 21.21, 889.09)
Hook conflict while calling 'OnPlayerViolation[1356028081]': AdminAntiHackFix 1.0.0 [False] and Vanish 1.8.7 [True]
Hook conflict while calling 'OnPlayerViolation[1356028081]': AdminAntiHackFix 1.0.0 [False] and Vanish 1.8.7 [True]
[Walking Dead] walker[2499867] was not spawned beceause it wanted to spawn inside
Invalid Position: generic_world[2364526] knife.bone (world) (765.44, -504.18, 906.66) (destroying)
Invalid Position: player_corpse_new[2364530] (750.46, -500.51, 888.61) (destroying)
Invalid Position: item_drop_backpack[2366035] (750.46, -500.61, 888.61) (destroying)