No permission to use commandNot An Issue

I'm sure I'm doing something wrong. The tool is loaded and installed. However when I type /remove it says. You don't have the removertool normal permission to do this command. 

Could you recommend what I'm doing wrong?



Have you given the user/groups the proper permissions?
Please grant the player permission "removertool.normal"
I haven't where do I find the user groups to give permissions? I just want to have it so everyone can remove their place entities on the server.
I haven't where do I find the user groups to give permissions? I just want to have it so everyone can remove their place entities on the server.

/chat group list

5b7d22c4ef71f.jpg pookins

/chat group list

You're assuming they have Better Chat installed. ;)

I haven't where do I find the user groups to give permissions? I just want to have it so everyone can remove their place entities on the server.

See Permissions

Locked automatically