This plugin needs to have the commands /loadout bar to save the hotbar loadout, /loadout wear to save clothes /save for the full inventory and /loadout reset to set player's loadouts to default. also i want it to be able to save the bar and clothes at the same time.
we can talk prices in umod messages.
Looking for a Custom Loadout Plugin.
There're free options available that do what you want
Hey! I guess trying to make one diddent work out that good is there a plugin that you have that you can seperately save the wear and hotbar items?
do you want players being able to load a kit, whether or not they have the resources for it?
yes but mainly i dont want them to be able to save stuff like c4 and sulfur, gunpowder and gl ammo. the plugin i want to give the saved items on respawn.
Merged post
not using the kits plugin what i mean it is a seperate plugin like commands /loadout bar which saves the hotbar /loadout wear saves the clothes, i dont want a premade kit i want them to be able to save stuff like guns and skins in their inventory.
yes, you want to be able to /loadout save hotbar_1 and that saves whatever they're wearing to a profile called hotbar_1. That's easy.
The tough part is in you deciding how you want /loadout load to behave. Like, if i'm a naked on the beach and hit /loadout load hotbar_1 (as an example), and hotbar_1 includes leather gear but I don't have leather (resources) on me.. do you still want the outfit the player w/ that loadout?
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.. and are these player specific loadouts, or should these loadouts be pre-determined by an admin that the entire server as access to
so want i was saying is to only have one hotbar and it auto loads if you want the default stuff then you do /loadout reset same for the clothing, i dont care if they have resources or not, as its a battlefield server.
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so theres no /loadout load , you save either the hotbar and clothes or both, and you respawn everytime with the saved items.
Ok I got ya now.
Devil's Advocate.. this plugin not do it?
Merged post also looks decent
both of these plugins dont have the feature to do /loadout bar and the loadout controller is a gui.
Merged post
the quick loadouts is preset loadouts.
Hm, I know exactly what you're talking about. You want the same behavior as this FUNSERVER is having it? The ability to save the state of items by also seperating the loot container like wearable, bar and main. Receive every copied state on respawn?