Fast access to preset inventory packages.

Supported Games

QuickLoadouts allows you to bind key/use chat commands to supply oneself with predefined inventories.


  • /quickloadout -- Used to configure and setup loadouts.

    • /quickloadout
      Lists loadouts along with their INDEX.
  • /quickloadout add LOADOUTNAME
    Add or Replaces a loadout with the name LOADOUTNAME

  • /quickloadout rem <INDEX>
    Removed loadout at <INDEX>

  • /quickloadout clear
    Clears all load outs.

  • /useloadout LOADOUTNAME
    Supplies player with inventory of LOADOUTNAME


  • quickLoadouts.admin
  • quickLoadouts.all
  • quickLoadouts.LOADOUTNAME

Note: There is a permission added for each loadout created.


  • Install Mod
  • Set admin permission
  • In Rust, equip player with the kit you want then:
    /quickloadout add MYNEWLOADOUTNAME
  • Set loadout permission
  • Use console: bind k useloadout MYNEWLOADOUTNAME
    This binds the k key to use configured loadout.


  • Remove debug code.
  • Change '/quickloadout rem' to use name not index.
This plugin is unlicensed and the original author reserves all rights to it.

The original author may request that this plugin be removed and there is a risk that the plugin may be unavailable in the future.

Note that the current maintainer may not have permission to assign a license to the plugin if they are not the original author, so explicit permission would need to be obtained from the original author in order for the plugin to remain openly available and guarantee that it will be around for all to enjoy going forward.