Making Sam Site shoot gyrocopter?
Hey! wondering if it is possible to make samsaite shot gyrocopter??
its possible.. we will see how the new minicopter plays out. but adding support for sam sites to hit the gyrocopter is a good thing :) at least configurable right ?
according to todays devblog that is what the sam site will do,
I would love to see the Gyrocopter replaced by the Minicopter.  i think it's about time. 
:)) happy :))
I hope you can.  Finally no more cheaters landing on dome to loot cause I can spawn a Sam site on top
In response to Covfefe ():
I hope you can.  Finally no more cheaters landing on dome to loot cause I can spawn a Sam site on to...
So you are using a "cheat" by placing an item in a "no build" area to beat cheaters ? , nice logic
It's called balance since Gyrocopters are not part of rust, so players would not normally be able to so easily land on the dome #commonsense