Video Overview
**Version 1.2.7 Gyrocopter **
Video is older, it does show basic usage, but visuals have changed a little with current version.
This is for FUN !!!!!
Players can now fly there very own scrap built Gyrocopter in rust.Its made of junk and may fall apart at ANY time...but this is Rust Flight School baby !!!! Gear up and Die Like an Aviator today !!!!
To Spawn a Gyrocopter:Authorized Build player can type /copterbuild to spawn a copter on there current position, and then automount the copter.
if enabled, players will only be able to build 1 copter. they will have to destroy the old one to make a new one. Admins can set the default build amount via config file.
To Fly a Gyrocopter:Player can go up to a non locked copter and sit in chair, then start engine by spinning the spinner wheel. This will bring you up to minimum flight level. To land, just spin the wheel again. And you will start landing procedure.
**Recharging Battery while flying: **Gyrocopter works off a battery system. You get approx. 10 minutes of flight time on a full charge if pilot does not "sprint" The faster you go, the more battery you drain. You can recharge your copter by flying up to ANY power substation and getting close to it, copter will then start recharging.On screen indicator is visible while flying copter.Note: Substations are close to rad towns usually.. which can be dangerous !!
Players death while flying:When a pilot is shot dead themselves, gyrocopter will auto rotate to the ground.Pilot will die like a aviator !!!!
Bombs:Copter starts out with 1 Bomb on back. You can fly around and press your middle mouse button down to release it to blow stuff up. To reload the bomb, fly around until you find a barrel on the ground, hover over it and press your rust "RELOAD" button, it should reload the barrel for you.
SignsSigns painting is a little bugged with new versoin. You can paint any sign but all paintable things have the same paintjob.. lol looks cool but ill work on it.
Lock:Locking the codelock will prevent other players from using your copter.(I will be adding more features for this)
- (allows player to spawn gyrocopters)gyrocopter.unlimited
- (unlimited fuel to authorized fly players)
- spawns a fully build copter on players location and player will auto mount it./copterhelp
- will list commands for player on screen/copterswag
- this will give player a cool ingame shirt :)/copterlockpaint
- this will lock all paintings on copter./copterunlockpaint
- this will unlock paintings./copterdestroy
- this will destroy any of players OWN copters within a 10 ft radius./coptercount
- this will return how many copters player has in the world./copterdropnet
- this will drop the cargo net or raise it back up.
-spawns a fully build copter on players location and player will auto mount it.
Default Config
"Bomb - Amount of Explosive Damage to deal : ": 250.0,
"Bomb - Enable the use of Bombs ? ": true,
"Bomb - Radius the damage will effect : ": 2.0,
"Deploy - Enable limited Gyrocopters per person : ": true,
"Deploy - Limit of Copters players can build : ": 1,
"Minimum Flight Altitude : ": 10.0,
"Movement - Normal - Cost (normal speeed) : ": 5,
"Movement - Sprint - Cost (fast speed) : ": 12,
"Only the Builder (owner) of copter can lock paint job : ": true,
"Recharge - Base Rate : ": 1,
"Recharge - Bonus Substation Rate : ": 5,
"Recharge - Range - From substation (must be higher than Min Altitude) : ": 12.0,
"Speed - Normal Flight Speed is : ": 12.0,
"Speed - Sprint Flight Speed is : ": 25.0,
"Storage Box - Enable storage box under passenger seats ? ": true,
"Storage Box - Enable storage box under pilot seat ? ": true
"helptext1": "type /copterbuild to spawn a gyrocopter and automount it.",
"helptext2": "type /copterlockpaint to lock copter paintjob and /copterunlockpaint to unlock",
"helptext3": "use Spinner wheel while seated to start and stop flying copter.",
"helptext4": "Rehcharge - land copter to recharge, hover over substation to fast charge.",
"helptext5": "Locking codelock will prevent anyone from using copter (even owner).",
"helptext6": "Once copter runs out of charge, it will autoland.",
"helptext7": "To reload the Bomb Barrel on back, use the Reload key while hovering over a barrel.",
"helptext8": "To Drop a Bomb, press or click mouse wheel down.",
"notauthorized": "You don't have permission to do that !!",
"copterlocked": "You must unlock Copter to start engines !!",
"tellabouthelp": "type /copterhelp to see a list of commands !!",
"dropnet": "Dropping cargo netting !!",
"raisenet": "Raising cargo netting !!",
"notflyingcopter": "You are not piloting a gyrocopter !!",
"maxcopters": "You have reached the maximum allowed copters",
"landingcopter": "Gryocopter Landing Sequence started !!"
The original author may request that this plugin be removed and there is a risk that the plugin may be unavailable in the future.
Note that the current maintainer may not have permission to assign a license to the plugin if they are not the original author, so explicit permission would need to be obtained from the original author in order for the plugin to remain openly available and guarantee that it will be around for all to enjoy going forward.