I am having a problem with the copter going under the map. When a player takes off sometimes they dont go up the just sit there on the ground. They can then fly under any thing that is in front of them and that will then let them fly under the map as long as they dont go up. Also is there anyway that a cool down can be added to the copter when you destroy it? Becasue there is people that i have caught on my server just building and destroying the copter mid air to not have to recharge the copter anymore and also using it to drop bombs and raid with only with the copter.
Gyrocopter keeps flying under mapFixed
I have benn getting reports from players that the copter flys undermap and kills players.
I have benn getting reports from players that the copter flys undermap and kills players.
try the latest version. should fix that. it wasnt making copter go to minimum altitude when player started copter. now once started it goes up and wont let player go under terrain.
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