Default Prefix Format Issue...

It looks like you ahve a problem in your default settings file...

"<size=12><color={0}>{1}: ",

should actually be...

"<size=12><color={0}>{1}:</size> ",

Got to be "<color=#ffff00><size=12> text </size></color>",  surely ?  (color chosen is just an example)

True, will dbl-check that tomorrow and let you know.

Merged post

Yes,  I jsut copied it into the message wrong ... ;)


Merged post

But it is in the current default settings for the plugin as I posted...
GenericSettings = new ConfigData.GenericOptions
Prefix = "[ZTL Drop Services]",
Color = "#00ffff",
Format = "<size=12><color={0}>{1}</color>: ",

But the closing </size> tag IS NOT!

Look at the code you just posted above ...

Format = "<size=12><color={0}>{1}</color>: ",

... it should be ...

Format = "<size=12><color={0}>{1}</color>:</size> ",

Adding that closing tag into your plugon CS file corrected all display issues on my server ;)