"Electric Generator": {
"Setting for all World": "false"
"Electric Generator Attributes": {
"Amount of electricity (100 by default)": "1000000"
If any advice could be given that would be greatly appreciated. Thank you :)
So the permissions dont work? Is there a fix for this?!
How did you come to that conclusion from the topic of this thread? :P
Arthatus2018having the exact same issue on my servers @Wulf@FastBurst
My generators are now set to 1200w each , i originally had them at 500 > 750>1000 but found that 1200 worked better as i use large bases with a lot of turrets ect, I have never had any problems with them going back to default but to set them at 1 million is (to me) pointless.
"Electric Generator": {
"Setting for all World": false
"Electric Generator Attributes": {
"Amount of electricity (100 by default)": 1000.0
"Version": {
"Major": 1,
"Minor": 0,
"Patch": 0
o.grant group default electricgeneratortweaker.tweak
Group 'default ' already has permission 'electricgeneratortweaker.tweak'
ive set to 1000 and after restart he at 100... so same problem...
TankiHello,{ "Electric Generator": { "Setting for all World": false }, "Electric Generator Attributes": { "Amount of electricity (100 by default)": 1000.0 }, "Version": { "Major": 1, "Minor": 0, "Patch": 0 } }
o.grant group default electricgeneratortweaker.tweak Group 'default ' already has permission 'electricgeneratortweaker.tweak'
ive set to 1000 and after restart he at 100... so same problem...
What is the point of having the global setting "False" when you have already granted everyone the permission ?
Mine are set to 1200 and stay on 1200 after several wipes and many restarts.
It's been a year, with no resolution to this..
here's why "it doesn't work":
The plugin checks (onentityspawned), then checks for permissions and then applies the modified value if player has perms.
This means that it only works with newly-placed test gens. Players with the perm need to re-deploy their test gens every time they login for this to be applied because of some missing steps. @FastBurst
if you look closely at the config above you will see that there are no SEPARATE permissions set out, If you set the power to whatever (mine is 1200) and the global to true and grant that permission to default it will always stay at 1200 and that is new test generators or old ones no matter how many times you restart the server.
If you have set out a scale for groups in the config and created permissions for them (which dont as yet exist except for the main one) i would be interested in seeing it , so could you post it ?
I've not added any permissions to the plugin. In that message you're asking why turn off the global mode when everyone has the permission. In that case, it would be better to do so. My point being, that i don't want to give everyone the permission, only a select few. So for me, global needs to be false. With it set up like that, the testgens revert back to normal values until re-deployed.
Tanki is the one who gave everyone the permission :)
Setting for all World to false it doesn't work...... after restart it's default value...