Adding command to give item to player?
How would I use the "inventory.giveto {} Scrap 10" if they type /reward ?  I'm used to being able to use the "" marks around the shortname and the amount given, but I'm not sure how to implement that since it is already wrapped with quotes.
You’d escape the “ with \

Here is what I have:

      "Command": "reward",
      "Messages": [
        "Reward given."
      "Permission": "customchatcommands.admin",
      "ConsoleCmd": [
        "inventory.giveto \{}\ \scrap\ \1\"
      "UserID": 0,
      "Broadcast": false,
      "RconCmd": [
        "say {} has received their reward."
      "Cooldown": 1,
      "MaxUses": 3

...and I am getting the "Previous version of plugin failed to load" error.  When I delete the .json file from the Config folder and reload it, it loads fine.  Not sure what it wants.

Your general JSON format is not valid, you can check using

Here is a working example of what I ment:
	"Command": "reward",
	"Messages": [
		"Reward given."
	"Permission": "customchatcommands.admin",
	"ConsoleCmd": [
		"inventory.giveto \"{} scrap 1\""
	"UserID": 0,
	"Broadcast": false,
	"RconCmd": [
		"say {} has received their reward."
	"Cooldown": 1,
	"MaxUses": 3
That helped, but it didn't put the 1 Scrap into my inventory.  It gave me the message in Chat that it did, but inventory is empty.
I'm unsure how the native commands for Rust are formatted and handled, perhaps try Scrap instead of scrap? Does the player have spaces in their name?
Yeah... I tried that just now.  Doesn't seem to effect the outcome of not giving the reward.  No spaces in the player name.  Hopefully, the plugin developer will see this soon and provide an informative solution.  Thanks, Wulf.

still doesnt work, Only admins can get the item, when command inventory.give jackhammer is used
inventory.giveto (0) jackhammer just gives the message, but no item. 


still doesnt work, Only admins can get the item, when command inventory.give jackhammer is used
inventory.giveto (0) jackhammer just gives the message, but no item. 

Why not use the Give plugin?