I'm trying to use CCC to give players eco on a 24hr cooldown. The following is the format in the config followed by the error in the console. I believe I'm using the wrong call string to obtain the users ID, however, upon searching through the threads I was unable to locate any solid information on what to use. Also, it appears the color formating that was provided as the example config doesn't work either but that is far less of the issue.
"Command": "legend",
"Messages": [
"<color=lime>Cheers! Here's $1500 for your tab</color>"
"Permission": "customchatcommands.legend",
"ConsoleCmd": [
"deposit {playerid} 1500"
"UserID": 0,
"Broadcast": false,
"RconCmd": null,
"Cooldown": 24.0,
"MaxUses": 0
Failed to call hook 'CommandDeposit' on plugin 'Economics v3.9.1' (FormatException: Input string was not in a correct format.)
at System.Text.StringBuilder.AppendFormatHelper
(System.IFormatProvider provider, System.String format,
System.ParamsArray args) [0x000ae] in
System.String.FormatHelper (System.IFormatProvider provider,
System.String format, System.ParamsArray args) [0x00023] in
at System.String.Format (