Trouble using name/idSolved
"ConsoleCmd": ["botrespawn toplayer \"{} \"RaidersT1"],


[BotReSpawn] No player found for {}


BRS accepts both id and name. am I typing it i wrong?

Still haven't figures out the correct syntax for using id/name in a command. can somebody help?

What is the command syntax for the botrespawn command? Your quotation marks in the usage above appear to be odd.

yeah I'm trying to get quotes right but even that breaks.

syntax is botrespawn toplayer name/id ProfileName


works in the console and as a chat /command. I successfully did this with NPCs running this command but I'm really struggling to make it work here


The idea here is to let players order enemy waves. Like said before, NPCs have no trouble running this command, even made a nifty PVE arena based on this. but for this "call anywhere" approach it's not working so well



"RconCmd": ["botrespawn toplayer {} RaidersT1"],

returns this:


 Failed to call hook 'botrespawn' on plugin 'BotReSpawn v1.0.6' (NullReferenceException: Object reference not set to an instance of an object)
  at Oxide.Plugins.BotReSpawn.botrespawn (ConsoleSystem+Arg arg) [0x0013f] in <76273b359367466b9875b011e4f8322d>:0 
  at Oxide.Plugins.BotReSpawn.DirectCallHook (System.String name, System.Object& ret, System.Object[] args) [0x01880] in <76273b359367466b9875b011e4f8322d>:0 
  at Oxide.Plugins.CSharpPlugin.InvokeMethod (Oxide.Core.Plugins.HookMethod method, System.Object[] args) [0x00079] in <60c318df79ed41688ea59335e48d61ad>:0 
  at Oxide.Core.Plugins.CSPlugin.OnCallHook (System.String name, System.Object[] args) [0x000d8] in <dfcb48ea05694263bbc08e62a39c274c>:0 


playing with quotes I got as far as "profile name not recognized" with full ID retrieved.

I don't see any reason why it wouldn't work, though it'd be good to figure out what exactly is erroring in the BotReSpawn plugin. I'm not really familiar with either plugin personally.

the problem appears to be in the way CCC parses the commands because as stated, BRS has no trouble with the command when it comes directly from the console or chat. Furthermore NPCs from the Talking NPCs plugin have no trouble running this command

"botrespawn toplayer playerID arenasingle"

PlayerID is TalkingNPC's handle for retrieving player ID.

however with CCC's handle {} I still get the error from the previous post. It looks like somewhere between CCC and BRS the player ID is not passed on correctly. Again, some funky quote placement got me as far as getting the correct PlayerID, but ultimately fails in passing on the profile name correctly (RaidersT1). I don't think this is a viable solution but it kinda worked.

I'll contact BRS's author as well. maybe their plugin has some trouble.

I'm not saying the other plugin is at fault, it's very likely something is off in the handling of this one, but was more or less curious what was erroring in the other.

you need a $ in front of the string for the { } interpretation.

"RconCmd": [$"botrespawn toplayer {} RaidersT1"],​
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you need a $ in front of the string for the { } interpretation.

"RconCmd": [$"botrespawn toplayer {} RaidersT1"],​
That is for string interpolation and wouldn't be recognized via a config file and would only apply to code. Pretty sure this plugin manually replaces the placeholders, which these are, not references to methods and such.
ACIXT9Ps1NQA2hn.png Wulf
That is for string interpolation and wouldn't be recognized via a config file and would only apply to code. Pretty sure this plugin manually replaces the placeholders, which these are, not references to methods and such.

I've also tried modifying the expected strings {} and {} directly in the .cs with no success. it doesn't matter what these handles are called, the error is always the same

I think you should be doing something like the following as the plugin will replace {} with the players SteamId

"RconCmd" : ["botrespawn toplayer {} RaidersT1"]

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I think you should be doing something like the following as the plugin will replace {} with the players SteamId

"RconCmd" : ["botrespawn toplayer {} RaidersT1"]

Pretty sure that's what they were doing originally.

"RconCmd": ["botrespawn toplayer {} RaidersT1"],​

Yup. That's exactly how it should be done. From what I could read in the error message it's an argument error, probably meaning that botrespawn is not retrieving {} as it should, breaking the Syntax. 

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Yup. That's exactly how it should be done. From what I could read in the error message it's an argument error, probably meaning that botrespawn is not retrieving {} as it should, breaking the Syntax. 

It shouldn't have to retrieve anything, as this plugin is meant to replace that with the actual ID when sending the command.

it was indeed BRS. The author found and corrected the bug. Now my players can finally spawn raider groups from the UI :)

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