Chat Command help

Trying to use this to run command so when player types custom command: /steam it will give them a kit from this plugin:
uMod - Rust Kits by k1lly0u

I've tried console and rcon commands, but they don't seem to give the kit even when permissions are given.

Commands for kits:

  • kit give <player name or id> <kitname> - Give the target player the specified kit

Any help?

How are you using it exactly?

I tried this:

"Command": "steam",
"Messages": [
"<color=#4F86F7>Claim your Steam Group Reward!</color>"
"Permission": "customchatcommands.steamkits",
"ConsoleCmd": null,
"UserID": 0,
"Broadcast": false,
"RconCmd": [
"say /kit Steam"
"Cooldown": 0.0,
"MaxUses": 0

tried using the rcon command to run a chat command , but it puts SERVER in front and doesnt run the chat command.

I then tried this for console command to give the player the kit as well:
"Command": "steam",
"Messages": [
"<color=#4F86F7>Claim your Steam Group Reward!</color>"
"Permission": "customchatcommands.steamkits",
"ConsoleCmd": null,
"UserID": 0,
"Broadcast": false,
"RconCmd": [
"kit give {} steam"
"Cooldown": 0.0,
"MaxUses": 0

But neither seems to give the player the kit.
I made sure i had permissions to get the kit and use the custom command.

You'd need to handle the chat command the same way you would a bind with Rust most likely.

"say \"/kit Steam\""

"ConsoleCmd": [
"say \"/kit Steam\""

Prints to chat :  SERVER "/kit Steam"

Seems i can't avoid it printing to chat the SERVER part which prvents the command from running.
I appreciate you helping with this Wulf i racked my brain with it last night till i gave up and crashed XD.

Ah, then the plugin is most likely just running server commands. In that case, you'd just use console commands. I'm not the author of this plugin, not entirely sure how it works; haven't dig into it yet.

Thanks for your input and everything you do Wulf.

If anyone thinks of anything please lmk and i will test asap and reply here any solution found.