Say Command In Chat Rcon Command

I want to make a custom command that will make the player execute another command via chat input. Heres the error and command:

oxide.reload CustomChatCommands
Unloaded plugin CustomChatCommands v2.1.2 by PsychoTea
Loaded plugin CustomChatCommands v2.1.2 by PsychoTea
Failed to call hook 'CanUseLockedEntity' on plugin 'SharedDoors v1.0.1' (NullReferenceException: Object reference not set to an instance of an object)
  at Oxide.Plugins.SharedDoors+RustIOHandler.IsFriend (System.String playerId, System.String playerDoorOwner) [0x00006] in <099fb82a93a84137bc2047cf46b4914f>:0 
  at Oxide.Plugins.SharedDoors+DoorAuthorizer.CanOpenCodeLock (CodeLock door, BasePlayer player) [0x00096] in <099fb82a93a84137bc2047cf46b4914f>:0 
  at Oxide.Plugins.SharedDoors+DoorAuthorizer.CanOpen () [0x00036] in <099fb82a93a84137bc2047cf46b4914f>:0 
  at Oxide.Plugins.SharedDoors.CanUseLockedEntity (BasePlayer player, BaseLock door) [0x00088] in <099fb82a93a84137bc2047cf46b4914f>:0 
  at Oxide.Plugins.SharedDoors.DirectCallHook (System.String name, System.Object& ret, System.Object[] args) [0x00261] in <099fb82a93a84137bc2047cf46b4914f>:0 
  at Oxide.Plugins.CSharpPlugin.InvokeMethod (Oxide.Core.Plugins.HookMethod method, System.Object[] args) [0x00079] in <31122a27a2414cd799150f8677cf39d4>:0 
  at Oxide.Core.Plugins.CSPlugin.OnCallHook (System.String name, System.Object[] args) [0x000d8] in <c2afd8354b8b4f3ca451cf5a1aa111c3>:0 
  at Oxide.Core.Plugins.Plugin.CallHook (System.String hook, System.Object[] args) [0x00060] in <c2afd8354b8b4f3ca451cf5a1aa111c3>:0 
Command 'chat.say /otp' not found​

      "Command": "outpost1",
      "Messages": [
        "Teleporting to Outpost"
      "Permission": "",
      "ConsoleCmd": null,
      "UserID": 0,
      "Broadcast": false,
      "RconCmd": ["chat.say /otp"],
      "Cooldown": 30.0,
      "MaxUses": 0

From your syntax, it appears that you want the same result as the "NTeleportation" [] plugin makes possible. If you currently are running that plugin, then there's actually no need to daisy-chain commands through CCC plugin. Just type "/Outpost" and that would teleport your player there, providing you have configured it correctly. I'm not a dev, but maybe that can help your situation.

and btw, the proper syntax to echo a phrase to chat from console/rcon is 

say "What you would like to say in chat"​