Possible to disable npc on logfile plsSolved

Hello, possible to add a option for ignore this:

[08/13/2023 08:04:07] 'Zombie(5340800)(808.9063 35.2534 174.0855)' were attacked by 'sentry.scientist.static(750.7634 49.19323 199.834)' for 15.35729 damage from 65 meters
[08/13/2023 08:38:22] 'Scientist hertha(500425)(-1160.693 16.6354 -1299.651)' were attacked by 'Cactus(-1161.227 16.26427 -1300.31)' for 4 damage​

thanks for the rewrite :)

Not sure how you are getting that as I'm not seeing that in my logs. However, if you want to not show NPC/Animals getting attacked set Log Player Attacking Animal and Log Player Attacking NPC to false

maybe from zombiehorde and npcjunkpile?

will try thanks

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if false, it's good, thanks

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