Logs everything related to combat

Supported Games


Logs everything related to combat

Will Log:

  • Use of Healing Items
  • When a Player is Downed
  • Player vs Player
  • Player vs NPC
  • NPC vs Player
  • Entity vs Player
  • Player vs Animal
  • Animal vs Player
  • Other Player Death (Fall, Drown, etc..)

Option to Log Extras:

  • Body Part Hit
  • Show if the player was sleeping
  • Show Players being attacked while sleeping


Default configuration:

  "Combat Logging Main": {
    "Log Combat Damage (Will Override All)": {
      "Log to File": true,
      "Log to Console": true
    "Log Combat Death (Will Override All)": {
      "Log to File": true,
      "Log to Console": true
    "Log Healing Items": {
      "Log to File": false,
      "Log to Console": false
    "Log Player Downed": {
      "Log to File": true,
      "Log to Console": true
    "Show if Player is Sleeping in Log (Only for Attacking not Death)": true,
    "Log Players Getting Attacked while Sleeping": true,
    "Show Body Part Hit": true,
    "Log Respawns": {
      "Log to File": true,
      "Log to Console": true
  "Combat Hurt Logging": {
    "Log Player Attacking Player": {
      "Log to File": true,
      "Log to Console": true
    "Log Animal Attacking Player": {
      "Log to File": true,
      "Log to Console": true
    "Log NPC Attacking Player": {
      "Log to File": true,
      "Log to Console": true
    "Log Player Attacking NPC": {
      "Log to File": true,
      "Log to Console": true
    "Log Player Attacking Animal": {
      "Log to File": true,
      "Log to Console": true
    "Log Entity Attacking Player": {
      "Log to File": true,
      "Log to Console": true
  "Combat Death Logging": {
    "Log Player killing Player": {
      "Log to File": true,
      "Log to Console": true
    "Log Animal killing Player": {
      "Log to File": true,
      "Log to Console": true
    "Log NPC killing Player": {
      "Log to File": true,
      "Log to Console": true
    "Log Player killing NPC": {
      "Log to File": true,
      "Log to Console": true
    "Log Player killing Animal": {
      "Log to File": true,
      "Log to Console": true
    "Log Entity killing Player": {
      "Log to File": true,
      "Log to Console": true
    "Log Other Player Death": {
      "Log to File": true,
      "Log to Console": true
  "Print Debug Info To Console (Dev)": false,
  "Version": {
    "Major": 2,
    "Minor": 0,
    "Patch": 0


  • Log Combat Damage (Will Override All) or Log Combat Death (Will Override All) - Putting False to Either Put/Log will Override anything put to true below, this should remain on unless you do not want a specific logging
  • Show if Player is Sleeping - Setting this to True will place a (*Sleeping*) Next to the Name of the player if they are sleeping
  • Log Players Getting Attacked while Sleeping - Log player being attacked while sleeping
  • Show Body Part Hit - Will show the Body Part that was hit


  • Tori1157, the original author of this plugin
  • RocketMyrr, for updating and Maintaining
This plugin is unlicensed and the original author reserves all rights to it.

The original author may request that this plugin be removed and there is a risk that the plugin may be unavailable in the future.

Note that the current maintainer may not have permission to assign a license to the plugin if they are not the original author, so explicit permission would need to be obtained from the original author in order for the plugin to remain openly available and guarantee that it will be around for all to enjoy going forward.