Barrelless Having Compiling IssueFixed

As of today's Update July 6, 2024


Error while compiling Barrelless: Cannot convert type 'BasePlayer.EncryptedValue<ulong>' to 'int' | Line: 1396, Pos: 96


Thank you


BUMP:  Only plugin of dozens, not yet updated.  Have had this plugin for over 4 years. Feels like we lost one of the major plugins that define our playstyle.

Thank you.

Merged post

OK, I have no experience in C# what so ever.  But, I did figure this out from the message.  I took 'int' and changed it to <ulong>.  'int' on line 1396 shows up two more times and I changed all three, loaded the plugin and tested.  It compiled, and it worked.  These are the three lines I changed, before and after.  I did a Find/Replace Search for ((int) and found the three instances of this, as I had found it in line 1396.


  Line 1396 - (before) npc.displayName=configData.CrowData.NPCName2+" "+RandomUsernames.Get((int)npc.userID);
    Line 1396 -   
              (after) npc.displayName=configData.CrowData.NPCName2+" "+RandomUsernames.Get((ulong)npc.userID);

Also did lines 1402 and 1490 in the same manner.

Hope this helps

thank you for this! I also posted in his discord (I'm sure he's aware already!) to let him know.


working on a clean patch for this


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