Hi @Sabby - since the last update, every once in a while a scarecrow spawns with a random weapon in hand that it cannot attack with. Examples of this are:
1) blueprint (see screenshot)
2) flamethrower (perhaps it doesn't have fuel??)
Some NPCs (Scarecrow Settings) spawn with weapons they cannot use (like blueprints??)
flamethrowers are not a normal weapon type and need other handling i have no idea why they would spawn with a blueprint.
Check your kits if you assign them , any other scarecrow spawning plugins running ?
i rechecked my handling and its using the vanilla spawn just altered the behaviour
do the scientist have the same thing ?
I do have the PumpkinHead plugin, but this one spawned out of a barrel. While I have kits listed, I ended up disabling them for the wipe for the scarecrow.... here's what that section of my config looks like:
"Scarecrow Settings": {
"Spawn chance (0-100)": 10,
"Normal Barrels": true,
"Diesel Barrels (diesel_barrel_world)": true,
"Oil Barrels": true,
"Spawn Amount": 1,
"NPC Spawns on fire": false,
"Max Roam Distance": 15,
"Prefix (Title)": "Trick-or-treat",
"Prefix (Title) if chainsaw equiped": "Trick-or-treat",
"Health (HP)": 250,
"Life Duration (minutes)": 5.0,
"Damage multiplier": 0.6,
"Use kit (clothing)": false,
"Kit ID": [
do they still grab the planner and such without kits ?
Yes, that photo was taking without kits (above config).