Spawning Underneath PrefabsFixed

This mostly happens at Satellite Dish but could happen at other locations. if you kill a loot barrel NPC will spawn underneath the prefab. 

How I reproduced. Spawn loot-barrel with <bind m "spawn loot-barrel-1"> on the sat dish prefab and shoot them intell I got a spawn.
My guess is this might be a known issue but I thought I should report it anyway.

pro they will eventually despawn.

the bug

hmm navhit needs some work ...cheers

What was the fix for this? We are seeing this at the lighthouse.

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What was the fix for this? We are seeing this at the lighthouse.

 Sadly there is no fix at this time. A possible solution would be to raycast directly above where the entity is going to be spawned to check if there are prefabs. I think other plugins have used this method. you can take comfort in the fact that these guys will despawn within 5 minutes, it's configurable. So far my players just deal with it but I always get a new player that reports the problem. Slightly off-topic I run two modified copies of this plugin. The first copy only influences the loot barrels and spawns all of the animals and NPCs. The second copy only influences the red barrels and drops bean cans and grenades. So if it does get updated there's more work for me lol. I swear this plugin is like the redheaded stepchild on Umod. Many different developers have taken it under its wing and it's gotten rewrites. At least there's still enough love that it runs.

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