DropStopper Plugin API call?Solved

Hello WhiteThunder, I've been requested by others to ask if you could interface with this plugin DropStopper:



It was recently updated with API calls to stop dropped backpacks from glitching through the ground. Glitching backpacks is not your plugin's fault, it is a FacePunch collision issue.

The code should be called here if you decide you want to add it:

public DroppedItemContainer Drop(Vector3 position, List<DroppedItemContainer> collect = null)


                LogWarning($"[DEBUG_DROP_ON_DEATH] [Player {OwnerIdString}] Backpack dropped.");

                if (Plugin != null && Plugin.DropStopper != null && firstContainer != null)
                    Plugin.DropStopper.Call("API_AddDroppedItemContainerToDropStop", OwnerId, firstContainer);

                return firstContainer;

If you would like a copy of DropStopper let me know and we can sync up on Discord.

DropStopper can use the OnBackpackDropped hook, provided in the v3.14.0 release.

Oh this is fantasic! What propted you to add this?

This thread. Preferred providing a hook rather than interfacing directly with DropStopper, since it will allow for other plugins to detect the dropped containers if they want to as well.

Thank you very much!