Shows your own customizable texts on the loading screen

Supported Games

This plugin allows you to display custom texts on loading screen. It replaces the tip text on the left at a fixed rate with your desired content.



  1. Can specify many messages and cycle over them.
  2. Queue messages can be customized.
  3. Can specify the "last message" which will be shown when player is receiving data.
  4. Supported tags {PLAYERNAME}.
  5. Use shorter version of Hex color codes, ex: #99ccff (bad), #9cf (good).
  6. Increase the Text Display Frequency if the plugin is causing performance issues.


  • Cycle Messages Every ~N Seconds -> How often plugin should change the message?
  • Enable Messages Cyclicity -> Display only one (first) message, or loop over them.
  • Use Random Cyclicity (Instead of sequential) -> Messages can be picked randomly or sequentially.
  • Messages -> An array of messages.
  • Enable Queue Messages -> Enables the same functionality for players in queue.
  • Queue Messages -> Same as Messages, but only for players in queue. It's possible to show how much players ahead and behind current player by using {AHEAD} and {BEHIND} placeholders in the bottom status string.
  • Last Message (When entering game) -> This message will be shown when client is receiving data and about to spawn. Top status text will remain unchanged and will be shown during next respawns.

Default Configuration

  "Cycle Messages Every ~N Seconds": 5.0,
  "Enable Messages Cyclicity": true,
  "Use Random Cyclicity (Instead of sequential)": false,
  "Messages": [
      "Icon name": "Bolt",
      "Message": "<color=#add8e6>{PLAYERNAME}, welcome to our server!"
      "Icon name": "Bolt",
      "Message": "<color=#add8e6>Enjoy your stay."
  "Enable Queue Messages": false,
  "Queue Messages": [
      "Icon name": "Bolt",
      "Message": "<color=#add8e6>You're in queue..."
  "Last Message (When entering game)": {
    "Icon name": "Bolt",
    "Message": "<color=#008000>Entering game..."

Dont want to put a license!