used by
Chat Commands
Toggle AdminHammer mode: /adminhammer
Check entity command: /b
It is recommended to enable performance mode and bind a key to /b - for example:
bind c "chat.say /b"
Equip the hammer (default tool) and point and right-click at any building/object to display ownership/authorization information.
You can change ToolUsed to any other item in the configuration file; use the item's shortname.
-- Allows player to use the admin hammer
"ChatCommand": "b",
"CommandToRun (Leave blank for no command)": "box",
"LogAdminInfo": true,
"LogToConsole": true,
"PerformanceMode": false,
"ShowBoxContents": true,
"ShowCode": true,
"ShowSphere": false,
"ToolDistance": 200.0,
"ToolUsed": "hammer"
"NoAuthorizedPlayers": "No authorized players.",
"AuthorizedPlayers": "Authorized players in the {0} owned by {1}:",
"NoEntityFound": "No entity found. Look at an entity and right-click while holding a {0}.",
"NoOwner": "No owner found for this entity.",
"ChatEntityOwnedBy": "This {0} is owned by {1}",
"DoorCode": "Door Code: <color=yellow>{0}</color>",
"ConsoleEntityOwnedBy": "This {0} is owned by{1}",
"ToolActivated": "You have enabled AdminHammer.",
"ToolDeactivated": "You have disabled AdminHammer.",
"AdminUsedTool": "{0} [{1}] used AdminHammer on a {2} owned by {3} [{4}] located at {5}",
"PerformanceMode": "Performance mode is enabled, so you have to use the chat command <color=yellow>/{0}</color> instead of right-clicking"
void OnAdminHammerEnabled(BasePlayer player)
void OnAdminHammerDisabled(BasePlayer player)
This plugin is unlicensed and the original author reserves all rights to it.
The original author may request that this plugin be removed and there is a risk that the plugin may be unavailable in the future.
Note that the current maintainer may not have permission to assign a license to the plugin if they are not the original author, so explicit permission would need to be obtained from the original author in order for the plugin to remain openly available and guarantee that it will be around for all to enjoy going forward.
The original author may request that this plugin be removed and there is a risk that the plugin may be unavailable in the future.
Note that the current maintainer may not have permission to assign a license to the plugin if they are not the original author, so explicit permission would need to be obtained from the original author in order for the plugin to remain openly available and guarantee that it will be around for all to enjoy going forward.