Banned players are still able to connect backNot An Issue

Banned players still notifs joining. They get kicked right away but still shows the joining message with their ign on it. Any way to change that? I'm still trying to figure out how they could still load in the server while being banned.

If they are properly server banned they would not be loading in, they should not be getting kicked. Assume you are using a rcon client to 'ban' players and all it's really doing is kicking them when it sees them.

Ye same for me. If you are using EnhancedBanSystem the welcome message went threw. 

Please fix this. If you ban players with EnhancedBanSystem (not native) it will still showing the joining message. 

If you are using any sort of remote checking for banned players, you wouldn't be able to prevent this as those remote checks aren't able to prevent a connection, only kick after the check is done.

Oh ok thank you. So only native can prevent to activate the plugin message.

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