Language file keeps resetting to the defaultSolved

Hi, I have changed the message from "welcome to Umod" to my own message in the json but when i restart/re;oad the mod the message does not change even tho the json has. I'm probably doing something wrong, how do i change the welcome message correctly ?

Could you provide what you are changing it to?

"WelcomeMessage": "Welcome to Tilted PVE 3x\r\nThere're currently {0} players online",
"JoinMessage": "Player {0} has joined the server from {1}",
"JoinMessageUnknown": "Player {0} has joined the server",
"LeaveMessage": "Player {0} has left the server. Reason {1}"

I don't see "Welcome to Umod" as the default, are you sure that isn't coming from something else?

I dont have any other welcomer plugins installed and only appeared after installing the Welcomer plugin 

Ah, yes, the info on the plugin page appears to be outdated, so you're right. You customized the file under oxide/lang/en and then reloaded the plugin right? Did you try with a restart of the server too?

Yeah have tried restarting server as well

Does the file revert to default after changing it?

Ah I fixed it, the file in lang/en wasnt saving the json I transfered over. so basically had two different files one overrigtting the other. 
Thanks for your help 

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