ive bought/spawnthe largecar and when il want to push, i can't:
Sorry! This large modlar Car belongs to Tanki. You cannot push it.
any suggestions?
Bought a largecarSolved
Yes. Seems like every restriction you have available, you like to use. I would loosen up a bit on this one and see if it helps you.
"Prevent other players from pushing vehicles they do not own": true, (Change to false)
If a vehicle can be recalled, there should be no worries it would be pushed someplace. I know this should be for "other" players, but it's my suggestion, none the least.
Also, there are other plugins you may be running that has this same restriction, that could work with a vehicle that is found randomly. So, if this doesn't work, look at any plugins that change permissions like this.
author have fixed the issue, seems he forgot to push here ^^