Interference with Custom Vehicles persistence

This plugin does not allow Karuza's custom vehicles to save between plugin reloads or server restarts if you have, "Store Vehicle On Plugin Unloaded / Server Restart": true, enabled in VL config.  If I turn this to false, then VL keeps a copy of the vehicle out after a server reboot or plugin reload, and you still have to spawn the vehicle out. However this setting does allow Karuza's vehicles to save properly within his plugin. Karuza said he available to talk about it @ViolationHandler

I did 3 tests. First test I disabled persistence in RustHelicopter plugin, and kept it enabled in VL, and VL definitely doesn't save the persistence on custom RustHelicopters. Second test I disabled VL persistence and enabled persistence on RustHelicopters, and that made the custom Karuza ones to save, but the VL vehicles do not. My third test I had persistence on both plugins, and the VL get persistence, but it interferes with RustHelicopters persistence. Nothing else I can really do except just have it back to the settings on test 3, so the majority of vehicles do not lose persistence from VL for now.

Yea, I was DMed about this by Mabel as well, haven't had much time to take a look at it lately, been a bit busy unfortunately. Mabel thinks its related to the networkable ID thats getting stored (or rather, that is supposed to get stored, but is currently not) so I'll likely start looking there and try and have it actually store the ID rather than store a 0, which is all its doing currently. I'm sorry that its causing you issues, I hope it resolve it/look into it today/tomorrow.

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Yea, I was DMed about this by Mabel as well, haven't had much time to take a look at it lately, been a bit busy unfortunately. Mabel thinks its related to the networkable ID thats getting stored (or rather, that is supposed to get stored, but is currently not) so I'll likely start looking there and try and have it actually store the ID rather than store a 0, which is all its doing currently. I'm sorry that its causing you issues, I hope it resolve it/look into it today/tomorrow.

You do not have to be sorry one bit Sir! Thank you for the work you do to this plugin! Mabel has been helping out as well, and getting the custom vehicles added to it! I can be patient and wait. I can always help testing as well if needed, as I told Mabel that I'm down to help.