Re: Update 1.8.6 Custom VehiclesSolved

Where do we acquire these vehicles.  I tested this after populating my config file but I couldn't get it to spawn in.  I was testing on RustWingDetailed and it said I purchased it, but then when I went to kill it, it said it wasn't out (which it never spawned).

Where do we go to download/purchase these vehicles.  Searching has only brought me to YouTube videos, making me want one even more.

Also, I thought I had written you, but now I don't see any record of it, so if you did get something from me ( @ViolationHandler ) then I am sorry.


You have to join their discord, and you need to DM to buy it within discord. Their is a base pack for each type of vehicle. Cars, Planes,Helicopters, and each base pack is $40 USD, and contains 2 vehicles. You can buy more individual vehicles ranging from between 5$-25$. These vehicles need their base pack installed to work.

@FandangoXmas Thank you. Found it
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