Hopefully that got your attention.
Anyone who is using this plugin, PLEASE look at the update tab for the plugin. It will give you insights as to what has changed and what you need to do as a result.
For as long as I (ViolationHandler) am maintainer, I will be adding somewhat detailed update logs. For this reason I please ask that you read it to prevent issues in your server and to prevent unnecessary threads in the help channel. If you disagree with an added/changed feature, please feel free to create a thread on the help/support page.
If you still have any questions after reading the updates tab, then I encourage you to make a thread and ask the question! Either I, or another user will help you!
I also welcome suggestions to the plugin as long as they make sense given the plugins functions/goals.
If you have patches for the plugin, feel free to submit them as well! Depending on the patch I may still deny it, but implement the features you tried adding if I feel theres a better way to implement them, or if I had already modified the version that was published (ie, already started working on new version). I will credit you in the updates for the features you were implementing though.