Not able to install umod onto server

I have the umod folder showing up in the directory of the server but when I send the command to install it I get this error. If anyone can help that would be fantastic.

E:\SteamLibrary\steamapps\common\Valheim dedicated server>umod install valheim -P
No username given. Using anonymous account with dedicated server subscription.
Connecting to Steam3... Done!
Logging anonymously into Steam3... Done!
Using Steam3 suggested CellID: 64
Got AppInfo for 896660
Using app branch: 'public'.
Got depot key for 1004 result: OK
Got depot key for 896662 result: OK
Processing depot 1004 - Steamworks SDK Redist (WIN32)
Downloading depot manifest...Encountered 401 for depot manifest 1004 9154949116103824401. Aborting.
Unable to download manifest 9154949116103824401 for depot 1004
App 896660 was not completely downloaded.
The operation was canceled.
Disconnected from Steam
[uMod] 01:59 PM [Error] Valheim server install failed
Downloaded installer umod-webclient-1.0.373-develop (from cache)
Downloaded installer umod-compiler-1.0.531-develop (from cache)
Downloaded installer umod-database-1.0.419-develop (from cache)
[uMod] 01:59 PM [Info] App install successful

Please make sure you are using the latest uMod agent version via normal method or the command below via PowerShell.

dotnet tool update uMod --version "*-*" --global​

After that, update with the uMod agent.

umod update valheim -P --force​

If that does not work, remove the umod/apps directory and try the process of updating again.

This did not work unfortunately

E:\SteamLibrary\steamapps\common\Valheim dedicated server>dotnet tool update uMod --version "*-*" --global
Tool 'umod' was reinstalled with the latest stable version (version '1.2.474-develop').

E:\SteamLibrary\steamapps\common\Valheim dedicated server>umod update valheim -P --force
[uMod] 02:10 PM [Error] Unable to load manifest
No username given. Using anonymous account with dedicated server subscription.
Connecting to Steam3... Done!
Logging anonymously into Steam3... Done!
Using Steam3 suggested CellID: 64
Got AppInfo for 896660
Using app branch: 'public'.
Got depot key for 1004 result: OK
Got depot key for 896662 result: OK
Processing depot 1004 - Steamworks SDK Redist (WIN32)
Downloading depot manifest...Encountered 401 for depot manifest 1004 9154949116103824401. Aborting.
Unable to download manifest 9154949116103824401 for depot 1004
App 896660 was not completely downloaded.
The operation was canceled.
Disconnected from Steam
[uMod] 02:10 PM [Error] Valheim server update failed
Downloaded installer umod-webclient-1.0.373-develop (from manifest)
Downloaded installer umod-compiler-1.0.531-develop (from manifest)
Downloaded installer umod-database-1.0.419-develop (from manifest)
[uMod] 02:10 PM [Info] Installed 3 package(s)
[uMod] 02:10 PM [Info] App update successful

Yes I was able to get to that link


Yes I was able to get to that link

From where the server is hosted?

The server is being hosted on my main desktop in the house. All I did was open that link you sent me. Sorry this is my first roud about with hosting a server

Merged post

If its easier to take care of this issue on discord, I meantioned you on the umod discord server in the support tab for valheim

Both our manifest and Steam Depot downloads are failing for you. It looks to me like you're having general connectivity issues, perhaps because of a slow connection.

I guess my road ends here then. Never had a slow internet problem before with my 1gb connection. 

Merged post

Can you give the the line of code that will uninstall umod?

> Encountered 401 for depot

401 is typically an unauthorized error code. If it's not a slow internet connection issue then it may be due to a proxy or using an IP block that is considered suspicious by Akamai and/or IBM. I have run into this issue myself when using a VPN, but not without one.

Merged post

Uninstalling a dotnet tool.

PS E:\Valheim\newcrescent.server.tld> umod install valheim
No username given. Using anonymous account with dedicated server subscription.
Connecting to Steam3... Done!
Logging anonymously into Steam3... Done!
Using Steam3 suggested CellID: 5
Got AppInfo for 896660
Using app branch: 'public'.
Got depot key for 1004 result: OK
Got depot key for 896662 result: OK
Processing depot 1004 - Steamworks SDK Redist (WIN32)
Downloading depot manifest...Encountered 401 for depot manifest 1004 5329354416203291021. Aborting.
Unable to download manifest 5329354416203291021 for depot 1004
App 896660 was not completely downloaded.
The operation was canceled.
Disconnected from Steam
[uMod] 06:18  [Error] Valheim server install failed
Downloaded installer umod-webclient-1.0.105 (from manifest)
Downloaded installer umod-compiler-1.0.110 (from manifest)
Downloaded installer umod-database-1.0.105 (from manifest)
[uMod] 06:18  [Info] App install successful

PS E:\Valheim\newcrescent.server.tld> umod install valheim -P
No username given. Using anonymous account with dedicated server subscription.
Connecting to Steam3... Done!
Logging anonymously into Steam3... Done!
Using Steam3 suggested CellID: 5
Got AppInfo for 896660
Using app branch: 'public'.
Got depot key for 1004 result: OK
Got depot key for 896662 result: OK
Processing depot 1004 - Steamworks SDK Redist (WIN32)
Downloading depot manifest...Encountered 401 for depot manifest 1004 5329354416203291021. Aborting.
Unable to download manifest 5329354416203291021 for depot 1004
App 896660 was not completely downloaded.
The operation was canceled.
Disconnected from Steam
[uMod] 06:20  [Error] Valheim server install failed
Downloaded installer umod-webclient-1.0.375-develop (from manifest)
Downloaded installer umod-compiler-1.0.531-develop (from manifest)
Downloaded installer umod-database-1.0.419-develop (from manifest)
[uMod] 06:20  [Info] App install successful

Help! Q_Q

Using a windows 10 Enterprise on a VM on dedicated Server in a server farm. Connection speed should not be an issue.

I see my windows updates failing as well, though. If you don't have a fix for the umod update issue, I gotta reinstall the whole VM.

Jeuo7rDSih1b0FS.jpg Niemand
PS E:\Valheim\newcrescent.server.tld> umod install valheim
No username given. Using anonymous account with dedicated server subscription.
Connecting to Steam3... Done!
Logging anonymously into Steam3... Done!
Using Steam3 suggested CellID: 5
Got AppInfo for 896660
Using app branch: 'public'.
Got depot key for 1004 result: OK
Got depot key for 896662 result: OK
Processing depot 1004 - Steamworks SDK Redist (WIN32)
Downloading depot manifest...Encountered 401 for depot manifest 1004 5329354416203291021. Aborting.
Unable to download manifest 5329354416203291021 for depot 1004
App 896660 was not completely downloaded.
The operation was canceled.
Disconnected from Steam
[uMod] 06:18  [Error] Valheim server install failed
Downloaded installer umod-webclient-1.0.105 (from manifest)
Downloaded installer umod-compiler-1.0.110 (from manifest)
Downloaded installer umod-database-1.0.105 (from manifest)
[uMod] 06:18  [Info] App install successful

PS E:\Valheim\newcrescent.server.tld> umod install valheim -P
No username given. Using anonymous account with dedicated server subscription.
Connecting to Steam3... Done!
Logging anonymously into Steam3... Done!
Using Steam3 suggested CellID: 5
Got AppInfo for 896660
Using app branch: 'public'.
Got depot key for 1004 result: OK
Got depot key for 896662 result: OK
Processing depot 1004 - Steamworks SDK Redist (WIN32)
Downloading depot manifest...Encountered 401 for depot manifest 1004 5329354416203291021. Aborting.
Unable to download manifest 5329354416203291021 for depot 1004
App 896660 was not completely downloaded.
The operation was canceled.
Disconnected from Steam
[uMod] 06:20  [Error] Valheim server install failed
Downloaded installer umod-webclient-1.0.375-develop (from manifest)
Downloaded installer umod-compiler-1.0.531-develop (from manifest)
Downloaded installer umod-database-1.0.419-develop (from manifest)
[uMod] 06:20  [Info] App install successful

Help! Q_Q

Using a windows 10 Enterprise on a VM on dedicated Server in a server farm. Connection speed should not be an issue.

I see my windows updates failing as well, though. If you don't have a fix for the umod update issue, I gotta reinstall the whole VM.

It hasn't been updated for the most recent update yet. Keep in mind that uMod for Valheim isn't intended for production servers, and isn't currently actively developed.

I'm trying to install mods for my valheim server but when I execute the install command I get the following.

D:\SteamLibrary\steamapps\common\Valheim dedicated server>umod install valheim -P --debug
[uMod] 11:05 PM [Warning] No game installation found. Use "umod install --help" to install a game server.
[uMod] 11:05 PM [Warning] Unable to find game

For clarity, I have installed the server at this location and was able to log into it, create a character and play before loging out. so the server files are there somewhere.

Any advise would be appreciated.


I'm trying to install mods for my valheim server but when I execute the install command I get the following.

D:\SteamLibrary\steamapps\common\Valheim dedicated server>umod install valheim -P --debug
[uMod] 11:05 PM [Warning] No game installation found. Use "umod install --help" to install a game server.
[uMod] 11:05 PM [Warning] Unable to find game

For clarity, I have installed the server at this location and was able to log into it, create a character and play before loging out. so the server files are there somewhere.

Any advise would be appreciated.

Please see the above. I'd suggest using Valheim+ for now.