CH47 scientists not coming to oil rig

Hello Orange,

Can you please update the plugin so the CH47 brings the green scientists to the oil rig when the crate is activated? It's been bugged a while now and we use this plugin so events keep spawning (with custom day cycles). Please help! 

Also, disabling the CH47 default spawns does not help this issue! Most are wanting to use this so timed events to keep on a track like usual (while using custom day cycles). And since the plugin doesn't allow green scientists to come to oil rig, it's useless. I'd rather have default day cycles than not have the green scientists come to oil rig. 

The last time you mentioned fixing this was 10 months ago: "It happens if you have CH47 disabled. In time i will add different options for CH47 for OIL RIG and for DEFAULT spawning". 

Can you please update this so we have different options for CH47 oilrig/default.?
PS. All other events seem to work fine :)

yep... can confirm it is broken.......

will not allow the heavies on oil rig.

Merged post

ok I got this fixed............
Even with the :

"4. CH47 settings:": {
"1. Disable default spawns": true

Got so fedup of this half assed boundry checking.
There is still going to be a couple of issues due to the way FP implemented it, but it only affects "admins"