30 Patrol Helicopters spawning at the same time
Here is the Config that i use:
  "1. Cargo plane settings:": {
    "1. Disable default spawns": true,
    "2. Minimal respawn time (in seconds)": 3600,
    "3. Maximal respawn time (in seconds)": 7200,
    "4. Minimal amount that spawned by once": 1,
    "5. Maximal amount that spawned by once": 1,
    "6. Minimal players to start event": 0
  "2. Patrol Helicopter settings:": {
    "1. Disable default spawns": true,
    "2. Minimal respawn time (in seconds)": 7200,
    "3. Maximal respawn time (in seconds)": 14400,
    "4. Minimal amount that spawned by once": 1,
    "5. Maximal amount that spawned by once": 1,
    "6. Minimal players to start event": 0
  "3. Bradley APC settings:": {
    "1. Disable default spawns": true,
    "2. Minimal respawn time (in seconds)": 900,
    "3. Maximal respawn time (in seconds)": 900,
    "4. Minimal amount that spawned by once": 1,
    "5. Maximal amount that spawned by once": 1,
    "6. Minimal players to start event": 0
  "4. CH47 settings:": {
    "1. Disable default spawns": false,
    "2. Minimal respawn time (in seconds)": 3600,
    "3. Maximal respawn time (in seconds)": 7200,
    "4. Minimal amount that spawned by once": 1,
    "5. Maximal amount that spawned by once": 1,
    "6. Minimal players to start event": 0
  "5. Cargo ship settings:": {
    "1. Disable default spawns": true,
    "2. Minimal respawn time (in seconds)": 7200,
    "3. Maximal respawn time (in seconds)": 14400,
    "4. Minimal amount that spawned by once": 1,
    "5. Maximal amount that spawned by once": 1,
    "6. Minimal players to start event": 0

Any update on this. I'm experiencing the same thing: have Min and Max "spawned at once" on the Chinook set to 1, but have so many they're crashing into each other and dropping hackables everywhere. :)  I love the plugin, just need to figure out how to get the Maximal amounts working, please. Thank you!

getting same problem with cargoship

this is still an issue