Disabling timed events?
This also happened to me. What setting are we actually supposed to set to 0
- Disable default spawns -> Disable events that spawned by server
- Respawn time -> Time between respawns (set to 0 to disable)
{ "1. Cargo plane settings:": { "1. Disable default spawns": false, "2. Minimal respawn time (in seconds)": 3600, "3. Maximal respawn time (in seconds)": 86400, "4. Minimal amount that spawned by once": 1, "5. Maximal amount that spawned by once": 1, "6. Minimal players to start event": 0 },
I set the respawn times to 0 to disable like it said but instead it just spawned a bunch of planes in with no delay
- Disable default spawns -> Disable events that spawned by server
- Respawn time -> Time between respawns (set to 0 to disable)
{ "1. Cargo plane settings:": { "1. Disable default spawns": false, "2. Minimal respawn time (in seconds)": 3600, "3. Maximal respawn time (in seconds)": 86400, "4. Minimal amount that spawned by once": 1, "5. Maximal amount that spawned by once": 1, "6. Minimal players to start event": 0 },
I set the respawn times to 0 to disable like it said but instead it just spawned a bunch of planes in with no delay
Same thing.... I am re-testing by setting the min and max amount to 0 instead...
Same issue here, when I set the respawn times to 0 it just keeps spamming the events in
- Disable default spawns -> Disable events that spawned by server
- Respawn time -> Time between respawns (set to 0 to disable)
{ "1. Cargo plane settings:": { "1. Disable default spawns": false, "2. Minimal respawn time (in seconds)": 3600, "3. Maximal respawn time (in seconds)": 86400, "4. Minimal amount that spawned by once": 1, "5. Maximal amount that spawned by once": 1, "6. Minimal players to start event": 0 },
I set the respawn times to 0 to disable like it said but instead it just spawned a bunch of planes in with no delay
If you set the minimum (or maximum) time BETWEEN respawns to 0, the plugin would respawn another cargo plane every 0 seconds. Instead, it seems that you should set the Maximal amount that spawned by once to 0; to me, this would disable the ability to spawn any cargo planes using this plugin.
Can anyone confirm that?
Just crashed my server setting everything to 0, too. :D
does this plug work on latest version ?
If you are using FancyDrop you would want the default drops to be disabled so that they do not interfere with your FancyDrop drops and you would want the same setting in this config.
that way Fancydrop would do a random drop in the time settings you have set and this one would do the same. I cant understand that if you are using Fancydrop that you would also want another "drop" event as well ?