Hi friends,
I use this plugin on 2 servers, on one it is fine, on the other it has ballooned to take up a ton of system resources and causes lag.
Using perfomance report, this is what it shows:
"StackSizeController (4.1.3) (1.724 GB), Total Hook Time = 40.179796",
and my other server:
"StackSizeController (4.1.3) (63.289 MB), Total Hook Time = 9.662822",
So my question is how do I clear out the data that the plugin is using? I only see a modest file in the oxide/data directory.
Plugin glitched and causing lag
Hi, I have absolutely no answer to your question, unfortunatley but I want to share that our server is also experiencing a massive memory usage with this version.There are no mistakes in our config and no changes to our conifg had been made since the last patch. I too am baffled.
"Stack Size Controller" (4.1.3) by AnExiledDev/patched by chrome (148.79s / 3 GB) - StackSizeController.cs
All I know is that the data file for this plugin should only list the vanilla values, which are reverted to on unload of the plugin if the following value is set to true in the config: "RevertStackSizesToVanillaOnUnload": true,
Merged post
After 7 days of wipe on a 50 pop PvE Server with daily restarts and maintenance, we get this!
"StackSizeController (4.1.3) (8.483 GB), Total Hook Time = 588.48189",
up, same touble
(11:18:28) | Calling 'OnMaxStackable' on 'StackSizeController v4.1.3' took average 1011ms
(11:18:38) | Calling 'OnMaxStackable' on 'StackSizeController v4.1.3' took average 1052ms
(11:18:41) | Calling 'OnMaxStackable' on 'StackSizeController v4.1.3' took 162ms [GARBAGE COLLECT]
(11:18:48) | Calling 'OnMaxStackable' on 'StackSizeController v4.1.3' took average 1228ms
(11:18:58) | Calling 'OnMaxStackable' on 'StackSizeController v4.1.3' took average 1051ms
(11:19:08) | Calling 'OnMaxStackable' on 'StackSizeController v4.1.3' took average 1043ms
(11:19:18) | Calling 'OnMaxStackable' on 'StackSizeController v4.1.3' took average 1012ms
(11:19:28) | Calling 'OnMaxStackable' on 'StackSizeController v4.1.3' took average 1029ms
(11:19:31) | Calling 'OnMaxStackable' on 'StackSizeController v4.1.3' took 150ms [GARBAGE COLLECT]
(11:19:38) | Calling 'OnMaxStackable' on 'StackSizeController v4.1.3' took average 1220ms
(11:19:48) | Calling 'OnMaxStackable' on 'StackSizeController v4.1.3' took average 1007ms
(11:19:56) | Calling 'OnMaxStackable' on 'StackSizeController v4.1.3' took 157ms [GARBAGE COLLECT]
"Stack Size Controller" (4.1.3) by AnExiledDev/patched by chrome (107.76s / 7 GB) - StackSizeController.cs
Yesterday the memory usage was 71 Gb. Server x100, online +-50, restart every 24 hours. fps dropped to 30