Broken On Latest UpdateNot An Issue

Todays patch now makes the max stacks 1000 and gives the following in console:

[Stack Modifier] Default Item's are missing! Notify DEV! Create Support Ticket!:
Lunar Wall Frame Inlay_1115193056_wall.frame.lunar2025_a_10
Lunar Wall Frame Swirling_-450890885_wall.frame.lunar2025_b_10
Lunar Wall Frame Floral_-2016974826_wall.frame.lunar2025_c_10
Snake mask_-1314079879_hat.snakemask_1
[Stack Modifier] 100%
[Stack Modifier] Modifying Stacks
KeyNotFoundException: The given key '1115193056' was not present in the dictionary.

That is the paid version not the free one, the free one automatically updates with the new items