This is the second time that I have where the number of entities has grown to over 500 000 when it should have ben about 120 000. This plugin seems to be creating the entities. These are the ones it created...
del assets/prefabs/weapons/grenade launcher/ak47u.entity.prefab
del assets/prefabs/weapons/grenade launcher/mgl.entity.prefab
example from monitor app.
"ak47u.entity": {
"Total": 220175,
"Owned": 0,
"Unowned": 220175
Many entities being created.
This plugin does not create any entites? The problem your having is due to another plugin that is creating the leak. i.e a loot plugin, kits, using kits with npc ect
Thanks for reply. If I disable this plugin the entity creation stops
Updated with checks to prevent any potenial item leak