Feature Request

With this past Decembers facepunch update they've introduced minicopter recycling at junkyard for 200 scrap as a thing now ... with servers that have lower cooldowns on copter spawning you could see how this could be exploited on a fresh wipe in order to get ahead. Would it be possible at all to make it so spawned minis, scrappy and attacks CAN'T be recycled, or if a server is using your plugin... it makes the recycle reward 0 scrap, thus removing the incentive for abuse?

Can you test this version? It prevents helis spawned by this plugin from being shredded. Note that this also makes it so they can't be picked up by magnet cranes as a side effect since those features are related in Rust.


Yeah sure I'll test :) ... let you know how it goes.

NKXTQs24ExGTuL8.jpg WhiteThunder

Can you test this version? It prevents helis spawned by this plugin from being shredded. Note that this also makes it so they can't be picked up by magnet cranes as a side effect since those features are related in Rust.


One of my admins who assists on the technical side installed this on our TEST SERVER, and confirmed that it works. Couldn't shred the minis and couldn't pickup with Crane. :)
I will wait for your official update before applying to our prod servers. You da man WhiteThunder, appreciate you jumping on this so quick. :)