ive made multiple changes in the config to allow players to spawn attack heli but im being told they get a message saying "not enough space" constantly. are you able to make any changes on the checks it makes
Not enough spaceSolved
My guess is that this has to do with how you have configured the plugin. By default, this shouldn't happen unless there is an actual obstacle. If you change the "Helicopter rotation angle", then the position/rotation that the heli would be placed in could overlap with the player themselves, hence "not enough space". You can increase the "Distance from player" option at the same time to compensate.
yeah its not happening like that, when players try and spawn on top of their base or in a field and there is a rock or elevation they are prompted with the error. i have tried many variations but it mainly happens with the attack heli and scrap
It seems the main issue causing this is that there is only a single bounding box check used to check for space, and that box encases the helicopter tail. So all the space behind the heli main body but below the tail isn't allowed to have anything in the way.
I will make an update soon which will have a separate bounding box the tail which is more condensed. This will help a lot with uneven terrain as the tail check will be less likely to collide with the ground. I also found an issue where the spawn location is computed incorrectly on cargo ship which could cause this issue when players try to spawn helis there, so that will be fixed as well.
I will also look into making the bounding box ignore the heli itself (to allow fetch command to nudge the heli), and possibly ignore the player themself if auto mount is enabled.
ok cool thank you for the update cant wait :)
You can beta test this now.
ill report back ive added it for testesting thank you
Merged post
Error Report HIVE X1000000000 #1 MILLION|LOOT++|KITS++|SHOP|: Failed to call hook 'CommandSpawnMinicopter' on plugin 'SpawnHeli v3.1.0' (NullReferenceException: Object reference not set to an instance of an object)
at Oxide.Plugins.SpawnHeli.CheckBox (OBB obb, System.Int32 layerMask, BaseEntity ignoreEntity) [0x00054] in <cbff53f8c5fe4c218f2846c20a783084>:0
at Oxide.Plugins.SpawnHeli.VerifyValidSpawnOrFetchPosition (Oxide.Plugins.SpawnHeli+VehicleInfo vehicleInfo, BasePlayer player, UnityEngine.Vector3& position, UnityEngine.Quaternion& rotation, PlayerHelicopter existingHeli) [0x0022a] in <cbff53f8c5fe4c218f2846c20a783084>:0
at Oxide.Plugins.SpawnHeli.FetchVehicle (Oxide.Plugins.SpawnHeli+VehicleInfo vehicleInfo, Oxide.Core.Libraries.Covalence.IPlayer player, BasePlayer basePlayer, PlayerHelicopter heli) [0x000a7] in <cbff53f8c5fe4c218f2846c20a783084>:0
at Oxide.Plugins.SpawnHeli.SpawnCommandInternal (Oxide.Plugins.SpawnHeli+VehicleInfo vehicleInfo, Oxide.Core.Libraries.Covalence.IPlayer player, System.String command, System.String[] args) [0x00069] in <cbff53f8c5fe4c218f2846c20a783084>:0
at Oxide.Plugins.SpawnHeli.CommandSpawnMinicopter (Oxide.Core.Libraries.Covalence.IPlayer player, System.String cmd, System.String[] args) [0x0000c] in <cbff53f8c5fe4c218f2846c20a783084>:0
at Oxide.Plugins.SpawnHeli.DirectCallHook (System.String name, System.Object& ret, System.Object[] args) [0x00564] in <cbff53f8c5fe4c218f2846c20a783084>:0
at Oxide.Plugins.CSharpPlugin.InvokeMethod (Oxide.Core.Plugins.HookMethod method, System.Object[] args) [0x00079] in <795304323ac74a298b8ed190a1dfa739>:0
at Oxide.Core.Plugins.CSPlugin.OnCallHook (System.String name, System.Object[] args) [0x000de] in <beb2b64691c64e2b95b99491bd85442c>:0
at Oxide.Core.Plugins.Plugin.CallHook (System.String hook, System.Object[] args) [0x00060] in <beb2b64691c64e2b95b99491bd85442c>:0
Thanks for reporting that. I've pushed another update to the GitHub repo which hopefully fixes that.
Error Report HIVE X1000000000 #1 MILLION|LOOT++|KITS++|SHOP|: Failed to call hook 'CommandSpawnMinicopter' on plugin 'SpawnHeli v3.1.0' (NullReferenceException: Object reference not set to an instance of an object)
at Oxide.Plugins.SpawnHeli.CheckBox (OBB obb, System.Int32 layerMask, BaseEntity ignoreEntity) [0x00054] in <b3c8c9d182534e949a52724c76c1d4c7>:0
at Oxide.Plugins.SpawnHeli.VerifyValidSpawnOrFetchPosition (Oxide.Plugins.SpawnHeli+VehicleInfo vehicleInfo, BasePlayer player, UnityEngine.Vector3& position, UnityEngine.Quaternion& rotation, PlayerHelicopter existingHeli) [0x0022a] in <b3c8c9d182534e949a52724c76c1d4c7>:0
at Oxide.Plugins.SpawnHeli.FetchVehicle (Oxide.Plugins.SpawnHeli+VehicleInfo vehicleInfo, Oxide.Core.Libraries.Covalence.IPlayer player, BasePlayer basePlayer, PlayerHelicopter heli) [0x000a7] in <b3c8c9d182534e949a52724c76c1d4c7>:0
at Oxide.Plugins.SpawnHeli.SpawnCommandInternal (Oxide.Plugins.SpawnHeli+VehicleInfo vehicleInfo, Oxide.Core.Libraries.Covalence.IPlayer player, System.String command, System.String[] args) [0x00069] in <b3c8c9d182534e949a52724c76c1d4c7>:0
at Oxide.Plugins.SpawnHeli.CommandSpawnMinicopter (Oxide.Core.Libraries.Covalence.IPlayer player, System.String cmd, System.String[] args) [0x0000c] in <b3c8c9d182534e949a52724c76c1d4c7>:0
at Oxide.Plugins.SpawnHeli.DirectCallHook (System.String name, System.Object& ret, System.Object[] args) [0x00564] in <b3c8c9d182534e949a52724c76c1d4c7>:0
at Oxide.Plugins.CSharpPlugin.InvokeMethod (Oxide.Core.Plugins.HookMethod method, System.Object[] args) [0x00079] in <795304323ac74a298b8ed190a1dfa739>:0
at Oxide.Core.Plugins.CSPlugin.OnCallHook (System.String name, System.Object[] args) [0x000de] in <beb2b64691c64e2b95b99491bd85442c>:0
at Oxide.Core.Plugins.Plugin.CallHook (System.String hook, System.Object[] args) [0x00060] in <beb2b64691c64e2b95b99491bd85442c>:0
Merged post
Warning Report HIVE X1000000000 #1 MILLION|LOOT++|KITS++|SHOP|: Killing player due to invalid dismount point :[abcg] Andrew :) / 76561############ on obj : assets/prefabs/vehicle/seats/miniheliseat.prefab
I just tested and I was able to reproduce the above NullReferenceException error when using the original version I sent you to beta test, but I can't reproduce it anymore after pushing the update I mentioned above, so I'm guessing you just didn't apply that update.
As for the invalid dismount, I saw that reported in another thread, but I doubt it's caused by this plugin since this plugin doesn't change the mount positions. As of yet, I'm not even sure when that error is happening (e.g., when the player spawns a heli, when they mount it, when they dismount it, etc.) since that info hasn't been provided. The only thing I can think of, if it's related to this plugin, is that it's related to the auto mount feature.
its the correct version loaded
(06:37:31) | SpawnHeli was compiled successfully in 1463ms
(06:37:31) | Unloaded plugin Spawn Heli v3.1.0 by SpooksAU
(06:37:31) | Covalence command alias already exists: mini
(06:37:31) | SpawnHeli has replaced the 'mini' command previously registered by SpawnHeli
(06:37:31) | Covalence command alias already exists: tcop
(06:37:31) | SpawnHeli has replaced the 'tcop' command previously registered by SpawnHeli
(06:37:31) | Covalence command alias already exists: ah
(06:37:31) | SpawnHeli has replaced the 'ah' command previously registered by SpawnHeli
(06:37:31) | Loaded plugin Spawn Heli v3.1.0 by SpooksAU
as for the dismount error it might be when a player dismounts mid air on top of building or something like this but i can try and find out when it happens exactly its just going to be tricky
do you have discord i can chat with you on if so pm me please it will be easier to talk