Blacklist not working

This is the M249 skin. I blacklisted the 2101133226 skin in JSON, but the 2101133226 skin is still on sale in the skin store.

Did you reload the plugin after adding the id to blacklist config?

of course. Nevertheless, the skins are still not blacklisted. Perhaps only some weapons were applied.

Ok i had messed up the blacklist, replacing it with a Dictionary instead of List.  Will be fixed when I put the new version shortly.  Just wanting to see what's going on with the loading purchases issue.

thank you. This is an attractive plugin. I can buy this unconditionally even if it is paid. I love this plugin. And thank you so much for making such a great plugin.

Ok, this should be fixed now in version 0.2.3, note that the config format is changed a bit (just set the config "values" on the blacklist to "true"...although actually "false" still would do the same thing)

And whenever users log in, they receive a skin pack. I have never set this up. Correction is required.

Change this config line (remove the "0"):

 "Give Welcome Skin Pack index to new players ([0,0] would give 2 of the first packs, empty [] for disable)": [



Merged post

The blacklist is currently being tested.

Merged post

It doesn't work.


"BlacklistedSkinList": {
"4124294": true,
"124124924": true,
"1174053561": true,
"1869420706": true,
"2466777271": true,
"1818358695": true,
"2362316408": true,
"645187315": true,
"815064512": true,
"811728306": true,
"1533598443": true,
"809693916": true,
"820427049": true,
"2628823067": true,
"871402683": true,
"2358885526": true,
"1192971478": true,
"2269724963": true,
"2424485558": true,
"1962030495": true,
"2101133226": true,
"1707369274": true,
"2360592677": true,
"2490406124": true

2101133226 Skin M249 is still exposed in the shop.

Merged post

Blacklist still doesn't work. How do I do this?