Fix for ServerInfo following July 2024 update

Hi All,


You need to edit the C# file (not the JSON config file)


The issue is with player.userID.ToString() now becoming player.userID.Get().ToString().

Fix as follows:


Change all instaces of player.userID.ToString() to player.userID.Get().ToString(). Details of where to find below, there's only two instances. Use a control f search to find them or see line numbers below


Line 114:
player.userID.ToString() -> player.userID.Get().ToString()

Line 292:
player.userID.ToString -> player.userID.Get().ToString


can someone please post the new .json format because i do have visual studio but i just spent the last 8 hours trying to get to C+ and still cant i even downloaded rust-analyzer but idk im stuck in a rabbit whole Contact me thru discord : certifiedgoon

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