Adding more /command words to pull up /info


Is there a way to add extra /words (ie. /help /? /commands etc) on top of /info to pull up the ServerInfo box?

Thank you.

Could go into the addon itself and search for info and change the word in the addon itself....

Would be even better if I could assign a list of chat commands to each tab or page, that when used would open that tab or page. That way, `/help` or `/info` could open the main page, but `/rules` could open to the rules page, etc.

It would be very cool if it was implemented that way. @HunterZ


It would be very cool if it was implemented that way. @HunterZ

Agreed. But as you say the AliasSystem method works fine. Here's the snippet out of my AliasSystem_Data.json:-

      "original": "/info",
      "alias": "/help",
      "originaltype": "chat",
      "aliastype": "chat",
      "permission": "aliassystem.use"

Make sure to give the default group the permission aliassystem.use. 🙂


Hey, you can already do this with the default plugin! Just type the page number after info: /info 2 or /info 3 and it will take you directly to that page. Found this out completely on accident one day when I was testing a alternative info panel that I set to /info2, when I told a player about it they typed /info 2 instead and that's how it was discovered lol. 


Hey, you can already do this with the default plugin! Just type the page number after info: /info 2 or /info 3 and it will take you directly to that page. Found this out completely on accident one day when I was testing a alternative info panel that I set to /info2, when I told a player about it they typed /info 2 instead and that's how it was discovered lol. 

Wow, great find! I looked at the code, and it does look like that's supported for chat commands (albeit not for console commands).

This means I can do exactly what I want via Alias System!

Note that you'll want to put any permissions-based tabs at the end, or else the tab numbers might not be consistent across players.

Among the per tab settings in the document's configuration settings, 'TabButtonAnchor' seems to exist for commands like '/info 4'.

The developers thought that users would naturally know this, but no. lol

It would be great if this example was added to the official documentation.


Among the per tab settings in the document's configuration settings, 'TabButtonAnchor' seems to exist for commands like '/info 4'.

The developers thought that users would naturally know this, but no. lol

It would be great if this example was added to the official documentation.

No, I think the anchor settings are for text alignment. I'm seeing code around those that looks like this:

TextAnchor = TextAnchor.MiddleLeft;
HeaderAnchor = TextAnchor.UpperLeft;
TabButtonAnchor = TextAnchor.MiddleCenter;