What settings do I have wrong?
Thank You!
"General Settings": {
"API Key (Bot Token)": "Bot Token",
"Auto Reload Plugin": false,
"Auto Reload Time (Seconds)": 901,
"Enable Bot Status": true,
"In-Game Report Command": "report",
"Discord Extension Log Level (Verbose/Debug/Info/Warning/Error/Exception/Off)": "Info"
"Discord to Game Settings": {
"Discord Command Prefix": "!",
"Discord to Game Chat: Icon (Steam ID)": ChannelID,
"Discord to Game Chat: Tag": "[RUSTCORD]",
"Discord to Game Chat: Tag Color (Hex)": "#7289DA",
"Discord to Game Chat: Player Name Color (Hex)": "#55aaff",
"Discord to Game Chat: Message Color (Hex)": "#ffffff"
"Rust Logging Settings": {
"Enable Logging: Player Chat": true,
"Enable Logging: Joins & Quits": true,
"Enable Logging: Deaths": true,
"Enable Logging: Vehicle Spawns (Heli/APC/Plane/Ship)": true,
"Enable Logging: Crate Drops (Hackable/Supply)": true,
"Enable Logging: Usergroup Changes": false,
"Enable Logging: Permission Changes": true,
"Enable Logging: Kicks & Bans": true,
"Enable Logging: Player Name Changes": true,
"Enable Logging: Server Commands (Gestures/Note Edits)": true,
"Enable Logging: Server Messages (Give/Item Spawns)": true,
"Enable Logging: Player F7 Reports": true,
"Enable Logging: Team Changes": true,
"Enable Logging: RCON Connections": true,
"Enable Logging: Spectates": true,
"Enable Logging: Server Wipe": true,
"Enable Custom Logging": false
"Plugin Logging Settings": {
"Enable Logging: AdminHammer": true,
"Enable Logging: Admin Radar": true,
"Enable Logging: Better Chat Mute": true,
"Enable Logging: Clans": true,
"Enable Logging: Dangerous Treasures": true,
"Enable Logging: Discord Auth": true,
"Enable Logging: Godmode": true,
"Enable Logging: Kits": true,
"Enable Logging: Private Messages": true,
"Enable Logging: Raidable Bases": true,
"Enable Logging: Sign Artist": true,
"Enable Logging: Vanish": false
"Premium Plugin Logging Settings": {
"Enable Logging: Air Event": false,
"Enable Logging: Armored Train Event": false,
"Enable Logging: Cargo Train Event": false,
"Enable Logging: Convoy Event": false,
"Enable Logging: Harbor Event": false,
"Enable Logging: Junkyard Event": false,
"Enable Logging: Power Plant Event": false,
"Enable Logging: Satellite Dish Event": false,
"Enable Logging: Sputnik Event": false,
"Enable Logging: Water Event": false
"Discord Output Formatting": {
"Output Type: Bans (Simple/Embed)": "Simple",
"Output Type: Bug Report (Simple/Embed)": "Simple",
"Output Type: Deaths (Simple/Embed/DeathNotes)": "Simple",
"Output Type: F7 Reports (Simple/Embed)": "Simple",
"Output Type: Join/Quit (Simple/Embed)": "Simple",
"Output Type: Join Player Info (Admin Channel) (Simple/Embed)": "Simple",
"Output Type: Kicks (Simple/Embed)": "Simple",
"Output Type: Note Logging (Simple/Embed)": "Simple",
"Output Type: Player Name Change (Simple/Embed)": "Simple",
"Output Type: /Report (Simple/Embed)": "Simple",
"Output Type: Server Wipe (Simple/Embed)": "Simple",
"Output Type: Teams (Simple/Embed)": "Simple",
"Output Type (Plugin): Admin Hammer (Simple/Embed)": "Simple",
"Output Type (Plugin): Admin Radar (Simple/Embed)": "Simple",
"Output Type (Plugin): Better Chat Mute (Simple/Embed)": "Simple",
"Output Type (Plugin): Clans (Simple/Embed)": "Simple",
"Output Type (Plugin): Dangerous Treasures (Simple/Embed)": "Simple",
"Output Type (Plugin): Discord Auth (Simple/Embed)": "Simple",
"Output Type (Plugin): Godmode (Simple/Embed)": "Simple",
"Output Type (Plugin): Kits (Simple/Embed)": "Simple",
"Output Type (Plugin): Private Messages (Simple/Embed)": "Simple",
"Output Type (Plugin): Raidable Bases (Simple/Embed)": "Simple",
"Output Type (Plugin): Vanish (Simple/Embed)": "Simple",
"Output Type (Premium Plugin): AirEvent (Simple/Embed)": "Simple",
"Output Type (Premium Plugin): ArmoredTrainEvent (Simple/Embed)": "Simple",
"Output Type (Premium Plugin): CargoTrainEvent (Simple/Embed)": "Simple",
"Output Type (Premium Plugin): ConvoyEvent (Simple/Embed)": "Simple",
"Output Type (Premium Plugin): HarborEvent (Simple/Embed)": "Simple",
"Output Type (Premium Plugin): JunkyardEvent (Simple/Embed)": "Simple",
"Output Type (Premium Plugin): PowerPlantEvent (Simple/Embed)": "Simple",
"Output Type (Premium Plugin): SatDishEvent (Simple/Embed)": "Simple",
"Output Type (Premium Plugin): SputnikEvent (Simple/Embed)": "Simple",
"Output Type (Premium Plugin): WaterEvent (Simple/Embed)": "Simple"
"Logging Exclusions": {
"Exclude Listed Groups From log_groups": [
"Exclude Listed Permissions From log_perms": [
"Filter Settings": {
"Chat Filter: Replacement Word": "<censored>",
"Chat Filter: Words to Filter": [
"Discord Logging Channels": [
"Discord Channel ID #": "ChannelID",
"Channel Flags": [
"Custom: Words/Phrases to Log": [
"Discord Channel ID #": "ChannelID",
"Channel Flags": [
"Custom: Words/Phrases to Log": [
"Discord Channel ID #": "ChannelID",
"Channel Flags": [
"Custom: Words/Phrases to Log": [
"Discord Command Role Assignment (Empty = All roles can use command.)": {
"ban": [
"com": [
"kick": [
"mute": [
"players": [
"timeban": [
"unban": [
"unmute": [
Rustcord doesn't work for deaths or SignArtistSolved
Half your channel flags are outdated. Refer to the guide.
Locked automatically