Local IP??Solved

It is built on a dedicated server machine at home.
The IP address displayed in RustAdmin and in-game status commands is my home global IP on my PC1, but my roommate's PC2 shows a local IP starting with 192.
Both PC's are on the same line.

This seems normal, what's your question?

htmlSh3wbejUsbb.png ジムデッドロック

This seems normal, what's your question?

It appears that only players using local IPs are counted as headcount in the server list.
Is it possible to have both show up with a global IP?

Is your friend connecting via the in-game server list, or F1 console with 'connect <local IP>' ?

htmlSh3wbejUsbb.png JimDeadlock

Is your friend connecting via the in-game server list, or F1 console with 'connect <local IP>' ?

it's working! thanks! ;D


it's working! thanks! ;D

mark this as solved please