Does anyone know what this is? Haven't been able to figure it out. It's only after the server has been running for a bit. Even after restarting it only goes away temporarily.
Server Exception: FSMComponent.BudgetedUpdate
Does anyone know what this is? Haven't been able to figure it out. It's only after the server has been running for a bit. Even after restarting it only goes away temporarily.
Server Exception: FSMComponent.BudgetedUpdate
Look in the logs see if there is more details on the error.
Look in the logs see if there is more details on the error.
This is the whole log message. It's only for this one server and we use a lot of the same plugins for different servers. So, quite confused what's throwing this. From how it reads it's almost something messed up while updating or something.
[ERRO] Unhandled error occurred (NullReferenceException) at Rust.Ai.Gen2.SenseComponent.TickFireDetection (System.Single deltaTime) (at <4ad666e3780942ab8491327aeced5b33>:0) at Rust.Ai.Gen2.SenseComponent.Tick () (at <4ad666e3780942ab8491327aeced5b33>:0) at Rust.Ai.Gen2.FSMComponent+TickFSMWorkQueue.RunJob (Rust.Ai.Gen2.FSMComponent component) (at <4ad666e3780942ab8491327aeced5b33>:0) at PersistentObjectWorkQueue`1[T].RunList (System.Double maximumMilliseconds) (at <e3d126afc3714646a99d5e7a76575536>:0) at ServerMgr.Update () (at <4ad666e3780942ab8491327aeced5b33>:0) at UnityEngine.Debug:LogException(Exception, Object) at ServerMgr:Update()
This is the whole log message. It's only for this one server and we use a lot of the same plugins for different servers. So, quite confused what's throwing this. From how it reads it's almost something messed up while updating or something.
[ERRO] Unhandled error occurred (NullReferenceException) at Rust.Ai.Gen2.SenseComponent.TickFireDetection (System.Single deltaTime) (at <4ad666e3780942ab8491327aeced5b33>:0) at Rust.Ai.Gen2.SenseComponent.Tick () (at <4ad666e3780942ab8491327aeced5b33>:0) at Rust.Ai.Gen2.FSMComponent+TickFSMWorkQueue.RunJob (Rust.Ai.Gen2.FSMComponent component) (at <4ad666e3780942ab8491327aeced5b33>:0) at PersistentObjectWorkQueue`1[T].RunList (System.Double maximumMilliseconds) (at <e3d126afc3714646a99d5e7a76575536>:0) at ServerMgr.Update () (at <4ad666e3780942ab8491327aeced5b33>:0) at UnityEngine.Debug:LogException(Exception, Object) at ServerMgr:Update()
Looks like a nps is messed up are you runing any npc plugins?
Looks like a nps is messed up are you runing any npc plugins?
Nps? Also, not right now. Used to have BotRespawn on there and at one point for a map had BetterNPC, but it was before we ran BetterNPC for a map I'm pretty sure.
Rust.Ai.Gen2 him try and killl all them new woulfs maybe that is the Gen2 if the error comes back just del all wulfs.
Rust.Ai.Gen2 him try and killl all them new woulfs maybe that is the Gen2 if the error comes back just del all wulfs.
So, that seems to have worked. I may just disable wolves since it keeps happening. Not even sure why and that's the only server we have where they are having issues. We have a server that's 10x more custom than that one and it isn't even having issues with them. Only thing I can think of is something might have gotten corrupted or something while updated. Maybe a fresh install is something we might have to look into to try to fix it unless somehow a plugin is interfering with it.