Npc riding horses and roaming

i dont know if i have dream about it or what but is there a plugin where a group of npc riding horses and can attack and be attacked?

You saw ProjectNova Wild West one right or have just the idea from yourself? Never seen it in action but as I know they have exactly this plugin (bandit guard npcs riding horses on the roads or spawn when something like locked crate open triggers)

Either find dev to hire and remake the idea for you or try to search for the original developer of the plugin like I did with one other plugin but will end up bad because you gonna ask to buy something that's "exclusively made for someone 1-2 servers" and because of this price will be insane and you will think later why I paid so much for when plugin like this should cost less if made for sale like every other paid plugin...

idk if i seen it but i havfe zombie plugin and i think of the ridders would be cool

Like this?
w2kxZcAD2e6zW9r.png Razor

Like this?

Did you end up implementing this in a plugin?


Did you end up implementing this in a plugin?

Yes called Npc Horses


Nice video but has nothing to do with NPC's riding horses and i thought it was bad manners to advertise servers here ??

M2JlBFahzuS0SSW.png Razor

Yes called Npc Horses


No link ? , or on another site ?

On Another site and